Texts: Matt. 9:1-10 and Matt.16:24.

Introduction: Following Jesus is not an option for those who believe in Christ. It is repeatedly found in the New Testament, where Jesus calls people and disciples to Follow Him. It happened right after the miracle of healing a man with Palsy. Jesus called “Matthew” the tax collector to follow Him, Levi who was called as Matthew followed Him immediately. Jesus called the disciples with this great two words “Follow Me.” (Matt.4:19; John 1:43 … etc)

Following Jesus is not an easy task, that’s why we see multitude of people who decided to follow Jesus turns back and started following the world. Following Jesus costs lot of efforts from our side, also it is not “blind following” of chasing the wind. Those who follow Jesus are promised to get hundredfold blessing in His kingdom. Several prosperity gospel preachers give the teaching of Christian life without pain and full of prosperity. Biblically it is not so, the follower of Jesus must endure lots of trials for the sake of Christ and His gospel (John 16:33).

While Jesus was on the earth some wanted to follow Jesus – Jesus rejected them; some did not want to follow Him – Jesus called them and finally Jesus asked His disciples to make “disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19 NIV). Many people in the time of Jesus followed with different ambitions. Some wanted to see/experience miracles (Matt.8:16-18), some came to eat/pass time with Jesus but few followed Jesus to hear his teachings (Matt.7:28). Even today we see this kind of people in the church, who comes to the church and goes out within a short while.

But Jesus in His command meant something more than “self-centered” but “God-centered.” The primary verse for today’s believers Matt 16:24, which teaches us to do something for Him (Jesus). I made three steps commanded by Jesus to follow Him, as long as we live in this world.  

1. Follow Jesus; by leaving everything (Matt 9:9) 

The followers of Jesus must leave everything for the sake of the gospel. The disciples of Jesus were busy people, who should work hard to feed themselves. But they obeyed the command of Jesus “Follow Me!” it needs sacrifice and service. It will be self contrary if I say today “Leave everything and follow Jesus,” it is leaving everything which hinders us to follow Jesus. 

There are several hindrances against us, in our daily lives as we walk with Jesus. It can be Finance/ Carrier/ Properties/ Relations … etc. Jesus wanted us to leave everything which hinders us to walk with Him. Peter and Andrews were to leave their boats and fishing net to follow Jesus, imagine they never thought of their food/ family and relations. They immediately followed Jesus leaving everything behind. Today many are following Jesus with fishing net on the other hand/ or following Jesus with the things which hinders themselves to follow Jesus. 

Matt.9:9, we see Matthew on the other hand immediately responded Jesus by leaving everything he had in his hands. God wants His followers to follow Him absolutely (I kings 18:21), in many cases when we fail to leave things for God; he takes it out of us. 

Matt 8:21-22, we see a man who was called by the Lord but he was interested to bury his father, prior to following Jesus. I imagine, this father not even died now – he wanted to wait till his father dies. Nothing in us should hinder our walk with Jesus, but we should leave the things which hinder us to follow Him. 

A pastor loved his son so much, even more than God. One fine day, he met with an accident and died in the spot. He was shocked of this sudden accident. His complaint of God’s action his preaching, Bible reading, all spiritual activities found empty of comparing with his son. He kept a picture of his son inside the bible and looked at him whenever he started reading bible. He stopped reading the Bible and cried to the Lord “Why did it happen.” One fine day the Lord spoke to him in a mild voice, “what for are you crying?” “Your son is with me, are you not happy about it?” “It is the only way to make you closure to me.” The pastor stopped crying and followed Jesus with one accord – removed his son’s picture from the Bible. 

When we are not interested in leaving something hindering following Him, God removes it from us because “He loves” our walking with Him. We must be willing to leave our position, properties, money, habits, relations or whatever it may be, if it hinders our walk with Jesus. 

2. Follow Jesus: By Denying Yourself: 

Matt 16:24, we see Jesus spoke to His Disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Denying oneself is the hardest job than leaving the things hinders our walk with Jesus. That’s why Jesus said this to the spiritually matured disciples. “Not preferring things for ourselves” is denying self. It is the key meaning of “Lenten days” – self sacrifice to imitate Jesus’ sufferings.  
The disciples have left already what they had for themselves, now it’s even harder commandment to deny our preferences. In Mark 10:21 we see about a rich young man, who did not want to give up his wealth, which he possessed for himself. 

Similar question asked by Peter in Matt.19:27-29, what do we get as we followed you leaving everything? Jesus replied “Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life” Therefore denying ourselves has a great reward in the future, though it is hard as long as we live in the world. Are we ready to follow Jesus by denying ourselves? 

3. Follow Jesus: By taking our own Cross: (Matt.16:24) 

“Take up his (own) cross” – not the cross of Jesus Christ, neither it is an imitation of carrying literal cross as Roman Catholics do in the “Good Friday.” Cross represents Shame, Pain, suffering, weary, thirsty, heaviness and trials. Being a follower of Christ is carrying these elements with joy and happiness. One must endure in all these hardships to be a true follower of Jesus Christ. For the sake of Following Jesus Christ one might have to lose his family, friends, wealth … etc. must face hardships and suffering in the community. Usually the people of the world do not bother about a person who is a drunkard or evil man in the society. But they bother if he/she follows Jesus faithfully. It is a kind of cross a believer must carry all through his life time.

There are millions of such examples we could see around the world, people persecuted for the sake of following Christ, beaten, abandoned and executed. All the true followers endured in that carrying of sweet cross looking at the heavenly glory. Even in India we see lots of saints lived an exemplary life to bring glory to the name of the Lord. Pastor K.E. Abraham and Sis Annamma Maman are few examples for carrying the cross of shame and abandoned from their homes. But the Lord lifted them up because of their rejoice in following Christ forsaking everything. 

Are you ready to “Follow Jesus” by keeping all the above things/ commandments? It is not easier to follow Jesus; if we follow Him faithfully we will not get lesser reward from Him.
Sing every day the following Song to assure your walk with God.

I have decided to follow Jesus; (3)
No turning back, no turning back.

Though I may wonder, I still will follow; (3)
No turning back, no turning back.

The world behind me, the cross before me;
No turning back, no turning back.

Though none go with me, still I will follow; (3)
No turning back, no turning back.

Will you decide now to follow Jesus? (3)
No turning back, no turning back.

The Story of this great song,

About 150 years ago, there was a great revival in Wales, England. As a result of this, many missionaries came from England and Germany to North-East India to spread the Gospel. At the time, north-east India was not divided into many states as it is today. The region was known as Assam and comprised hundreds of tribes. The tribal communities were quite primitive and aggressive by nature. The tribals were also called head-hunters because of a social custom which required the male members of the community to collect as many heads as possible. A man’s strength and ability to protect his wife was assessed by the number of heads he had collected. Therefore, a youth of marriageable age would try and collect as many heads as possible and hang them on the walls of his house. The more heads a man had, the more eligible he was considered. Into this hostile and aggressive community, came a group of Welsh missionaries spreading the message of love, peace and hope of Jesus Christ. Naturally, they were not welcomed. One Welsh missionary succeeded in converting a man, his wife, and two children. This man’s faith proved contagious and many villagers began to accept Christianity. Angry, the village chief summoned all the villagers. He then called the family who had first converted to renounce their faith in public or face execution. Moved by the Holy Spirit, the man instantly composed a song which became famous down the years. He sang:

I have decided to follow Jesus. (3 times)
No turning back, no turning back.

Enraged at the refusal of the man, the chief ordered his archers to arrow down the two children. As both boys lay twitching on the floor, the chief asked, “Will you deny your faith? You have lost both your children. You will lose your wife too.” But the man sang these words in reply:

Though no one joins me, still I will follow. (3 times)
No turning back, no turning back.

The chief was beside himself with fury and ordered his wife to be arrowed down. In a moment she joined her two children in death. Now he asked for the last time, “I will give you one more opportunity to deny your faith and live.” In the face of death the man sang the final memorable lines:

The cross before me, the world behind me. (3 times)
No turning back, no turning back.

He was shot dead like the rest of his family. But with their deaths, a miracle took place. The chief who had ordered the killings was moved by the faith of the man. He wondered, “Why should this man, his wife and two children die for a Man who lived in a far-away land on another continent some 2,000 years ago? There must be some supernatural power behind the family, and I too want that supernatural power.” In a spontaneous confession of faith, he declared, “I too belong to Jesus Christ!” When the crowd heard this from the mouth of their chief, the whole village accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is the power of [God in] demonstration.

(This sermon was preached by Mr. Asap Singh in the preparatory Lenten day’s service at Thomas Chapel, Sharon Gardens, Salem on 15th February 2012)


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