
Indian churches are in the third level of growth ever since the evangelical church arrived in India. Even though the first missionary to India St. Thomas arrived India two thousand years back, yet the churches started facing the real impact of the gospel in the 16th century after the reformation. The three stages I can classify they are, 

1.       The period of Missionaries
2.       Intermediate, Indigenous period
3.       Totally Indigenous (self sustain) church.

The churches today are in the stage of self sustainment with its own flavor and color. The four pillars of indigenous churches are 

Self propagation: The evangelistic works to be done through the witness of one’s community. It is not someone propagate the gospel today. The missionaries faced failure in sometimes just because they were counted as aliens. Today the church should propagate itself to its community. More people are added to the church by looking at their relatives and neighbors.

Self support: The needs of the ministries to be met indigenously. It is not expecting the foreign nations for the help to build the churches in India. The finance to extend the mission works to be raised in India; we have lot in nation but very less in giving it out. In the foreign churches, giving for other nation’s ministries is a part of the ministry. A pastor from US whom I met weeks ago shared that his church gives for the foreign mission $30,000 per year. Indian churches must also be self supportive to its own evangelistic works.

Self governing: Indigenous churches in India to be administered by its own. Church administration to be made for each and every church to prove its freedom and representation of the complete body of Christ in the local church. 

Self reference: It shows that the churches in India should have its own flavor and color. The method followed in the US cannot be followed in India; neither the African method of dancing would work out in India. We have our own style of conducting worship which can never become wrong. Our music, culture, language … all are different with the others, therefore there is no international pattern of worship in self reference.

Self Theologizing: Gospel is translatable to all cultures and languages. Self theologizing is not creating a new theology but applying the theological norms / truths in all cultures.

The growth of the church in this level is based on the following elements, fail to do them will lead into declination, through the leaders of the church. Four different things or challenges are before the Indian churches which are lacking today (Eph 3:10; Philemon 1-2; 23-24), they are.

1.       Discipleship: The key in great commission (Matt 28:19-20)

Discipleship is the key in the teaching of Jesus Christ. The method of evangelizing is given more important through crusades, conferences and open-air meetings. Most of them are stopped with the first level and doing it for long times. The believers must be turned into disciples, the one who imitate the Lord in and through their lives. The word discipleship is replaced for evangelism in Matt 28:19, “Make disciples of all nations.” It is the most forgotten commandment in the great commission. The Lord needs disciples than mere believers; discipleship is more valid than making believers. It is most difficult thing to imitate Christ in our lives.

The Indian churches must give more importance to “making disciples” of the converted believers. The leaders must make them as Christ-like disciples, imitating the master Lord Jesus Christ (I Cor. 11:1). 

2.      Leadership: Making disciples as leaders

Jesus made his disciples as apostles after his ascension. They were lay people, probably uneducated and low in profession. Jesus chose them to be the future leaders of the church which He left in their response. Later they were the pillars of the early church (Gal.2:9). Today most of the churches have the believers in their level, not taking them either to disciple or to leadership.

It is the contemporary fear of the church leaders that if a believer is gifted to do the ministry they are afraid of their position as a leader. In today’s context many believers try to split the congregation into many pieces, or trying to steal the believers from their mother church. Jesus made the disciple a leader. Today our churches are in great lack of producing good leaders.

3.      Partnership: Making Leaders “Fellow Workers”

Philemon 1-2; 23-24. Paul repeatedly in his epistles used the term “fellow” to show the partnership of others in his ministry. Fellow Servant (Col. 1:7); Fellow Prisoner (4:10); Fellow Soldier (Phi 2:25) Fellow Helper (2 Cor. 8:23), Fellow Citizens (Eph 2:19); Fellow Laborers (Phi 4:3), Fellow Workers (Col 4:11)…etc.  God’s ministry doesn’t belong to an individual. It is one of the most difficult thing in today’s ministries, counting our disciples as partners in the ministry. Many pastors and leaders claim that they were the senior ones in the ministry that they raised more disciple pastors in the ministry. Most of the times the believers are encouraged to give to the church as partners in the ministry, are they given parts in the conducting of the services? 

One of the member of a broken church responded to me that they are not given any opportunity to take part in the services. We are not treated as partners of the church activities, we are only asked to take partnership in the offerings. It is true that the disciple/leaders should be counted as the partners in the ministry. It is not shameful to make the believers as partners in our ministries.

4.      Worship: Living sacrifice (Rom 12:1-2)

Worship in our modern times understood as signing, clapping, jumping, crawling, noisy music and dancing. Worship today is controlled by time (___to___) and methodologies. It is mostly to a place of emotional expression. There are lots of modern worship leaders and worship centers. In recent days I notice some of the church names are turned into “worship centers, tabernacle of praise …etc” some churches announced 24 hours of praise and worship. 

What is lacking today is the real meaning of worship. Of course all the above mentioned elements are the parts of worship, but it is not the only means to worship. That is why we see accusations in the churches today, emotion is needed in the worship but not the emotion alone is the worship. I Cor. 14:15, apostle Paul claims, “Well then, what shall I do? I will pray in the spirit, and I will also pray in words I understand. I will sing in the spirit, and I will also sing in words I understand.” The concept of the people in India today is sacred and secular lives. They differentiate sacred life in the Sundays and secular in the other six days. As a Christian, there are no sacred and secular lives. Everyday our lives should be sacred, the real meaning of worship is presenting ourselves (body and self) as living sacrifice (always) Rom.12:1-2. It has no limitation of days but every day and every hour.

Worship is entire service (not only praise and worship), in a broader meaning worship is our lifestyle every day. Our walk with the Lord each and every hour, it should not be limited to hour and days. May the Lord grant all our actions to prosper the Indian church in the days to come, Let God revive the leaders of Indian church to have a new motivation and challenge to overcome the challenges set forth before us.

Amen. ( This sermon was preached By Rev. Samuel D Stephens on 8th April 2013)


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