My Testimony - Asap Singh


I Praise God for enabling to share my testimony through this blog.

I am Asap Singh (my actual name contain Asaph - the "h" in the end was stolen by my school certificate). I was born and brought up in a very good Christian atmosphere. My father Pastor Solomon Selvaraj has been doing the ministry of the Lord for the past 30 years, at present he is ministering the Lord in Andipatti, Tamil Nadu. The Lord has been faithful in caring me from my childhood and enabled me to fulfill the dedication made by my parents to serve the Lord. I had personal encounter with the Lord several times as I spent my life in the spiritual atmosphere and looking at the faith of my parents as they involved in faith ministry. In my childhood at the age of 5 I was miraculously healed by the Lord from Jaundice, prior to that my parents dedicated me to the service of the Lord at my birth (As an act of offering the first fruit to the Lord). 

I accepted Jesus as my savior and Lord in the age of 18, as I was studying my final year of schooling and took water baptism on 1st May 2000. After my schooling I completed my Bachelor’s degree in mathematics (B.SC), and continued my Theological studies (M.Div) at Pax Christiana Bible College and Seminary, Chennai. As I had my studies there I understood the call of the Lord in the ministry. For more clarification on scriptural truths, I joined with South India Baptist Bible College and Seminary on 2006 for my Master’s degree (M.Th). 

The Lord enabled me to work for Pax Christiana Bible College as junior lecturer for the theological students for two years. During this time I pursued my M.A (Philosophy and Religion) in Madurai Kamaraj University. The Lord was so faithful; afterwards I worked with CAATS (Christian Academy for Advanced Theological Studies, Nagercoil) as one of the founding faculty in 2010.

According to the call of the Lord to work among the youth, I looked forward with a large vision and joined with IGL (India Gospel League, Salem) in November 2010. The Lord has been working through me to work along with the youth ministries in training and disciplining them in the way of the Lord. Also I am functioning as a pastor to the Medical College students near Salem (Seeragapaadi).

The Lord took me to Germany in 2012 through IGL to get more training of working among the youth. It is been a great platform in learning and practicing what the Lord wished to do through me. My goal is to be a pastor/teacher in the near future to shine for the Lord. 

The Lord joined me with Roseline Juliet in family life in 19th January 2012. Please pray for my family and ministries as I am looking forward to shine for the Lord. Thanking you for taking a look at my blog, if you have any doubts on my writing feel free to contact me at 


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