Immanuel - God With Us


THEME   :    Immanuel - There is an assurance of God’s presence for His people.  No matter whether we are with God or not He is with us all the time to encourage, empower, guard and guide us in our life journey.

KEY PASSAGES: Isaiah 9:1-7; Matt 1:21-23


1.  God’s Presence Guides Us (Ex. 33:14 Cf. Isa. 45:2)

The presence of God guides us to choose the right and wrong in our daily life.  He prepares the way for us as we move according to His plans - His guidance includes shaping rough to smooth; crooked to straight.  (Luke 3:4-6)

2.  God’s Presence Guards Us (Dan 3:16-26 Cf. 2 Tim 1:12)

The presence of God protects us from all harmful things which come in our way.  Often hindrances in our Christian life distract our faith.  The name of the Lord is the strong tower where righteous find safety in Him (Prov. 18:10).  His presence is the stronghold against the evil one (Eph.6)

3.  God’s Presence Encourages Us (Ps. 16:8-11 cf. Matt. 28-19-20)

The presence of God encourages the feeble hearted.  The disciples in dismay were given assurance of His presence in John 14:16.  The work of the Holy Spirit as “comforter” in John 14:26-27 is to encourage them and to be with them always.  The Greek word Paraclytos (comforter) referred for Holy Spirit which means to exhort / comfort / encourage them.

4.  God’s Presence Empowers Us (Ps 46:211 cf. Acts 1:7-8)

The ever dwelling presence of God empowers us to do good to others.  We in ourselves can do nothing good without the power of God.  God’s presence keeps us away from evil ones (Matt 6:13) when we ask God for His help.  The presence of God empowers us to further His Kingdom in all corners (Act. 1:8)


The presence of God is the evidence for believers which guides, guards, encourages and empowers them.  His presence is constant and permanent that you don’t need to live on your strength anymore! Immanuel – God with us!


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