Light Shines in the Darkness


THEME     :    The Birth of Christ changed the perspective of the world.  There is no more darkness for those who live under chaos and disorder.  Hope is rising to everyone in holistic aspect through Christ Jesus.

KEY PASSAGES:   Isaiah 9:2-7; John 1:1-14


1. Darkness to Light (Ps. 139:11-12 cf. Luke 1:76-80)

The Birth of Christ as per the Old Testament prophecies “Light unto them who walk in darkness” (Isa. 9:2).  Darkness refers sin, bondage, evil, death and addictions.  The birth of Christ is redemption to everyone who are oppressed in various levels (Luke 4:18-19).  The presence of God drives out darkness which is ultimately fulfilled in Christ.

2.  Sorrow to Joy (Isa. 61:3 cf. John 16:20)

The ultimate hope of believers in Christ is that He will turn their sorrow into Joy.  He turns the mourning into dancing (Ps. 30:11), weeping in night turned as Joy in the morning (Ps. 30:5).  Sorrow is for temporary in comparison with the eternal Joy comes through Christ.

3.  Problems to Possibilities (I Sam 2:8 cf. Luke 4:18)

The birth of Christ gave abundant hope and possibilities to those who are in problems.  The hope that Christ offers through His birth is that ‘problems will be stepping stones” for those who believe in Him.  There is no Christian promise of “problem free zone” for believers but God’s strength to overcome problems is an assurance to all. (John 17:11-16)


The Birth of Christ is a message of hope for everyone even today.  If you are in Christ you can overcome it through His strength (Phil. 4:13)


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