The Miracle of Christmas


THEME    :   The Birth of Christ is the highest miracle God performed among the humanity.  Our God is God of miracles He can turn the impossible into possible.  He can do miracle for us even today.

KEY PASSAGES:   Isaiah 7:10-14; Luke 2:8-20


1.  The Miracle at His Birth (Luke 1:26-35)

The birth of Christ is a miracle which includes several other wonders which no one on earth ever had taken in possession of. The following are few of them,
a)      Jesus birth was foretold by the angel (Luke 1:26)
b)      Jesus virgin birth which none can claim before (or) after Christ (Luke 1:34)
c)      Jesus – God in human being (John 1:1-14) 
The above miracles were only possible to Jesus “Can anyone born of virgin?”  “Can God become man?  Yes! in the case of Jesus because His birth is a miracle. 

2.  The Miracle at His Ministry (Mark 1:34; Lk. 10:38)

The 33½ years of ministry fully show case the supernatural works of Christ in displaying His authority over a) Demons (Mt. 8:31-32)  b.  Sickness (Lk. 4:38-39) c.  Nature (Mk. 4:36-41) His preaching and teaching were so simple that people of any age/country/ status understand it even today.  His death on the cross foretold in the scripture (Ps.22) and it became an ultimate redemption to the entire human race.

3.  Is Miracle Possible Today? 

God performs miracle even today for those who believe. (John 14:12-14).  Miracles of Jesus’ ministry are not that happened only in the history but possible even today.  God does the miracle of changing the hearts of people, healing of diseases and authority over demonic bondages.  The miracles are possible only for those who believe in Him.


The Birth of Jesus is a miracle.  Our God does miracles even today when you trust in Him.  Are you enjoying in the greatest miracle of ‘Jesus’ in human History?  Happy Christmas!


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