God is Faithful


THEME  :   Faithfulness is not only God’s nature but His attribute (Nature is a temporary behavior but attribute is permanent).  God never changes in His attribute - His covenant of love with the people never changes.  He will keep His covenant with you as His people - The chosen generation.

KEY PASSAGES:   Jeremiah 31:31-34; I Corinthians 1:9


1.  His Covenant with Old Testament Saints 

God made covenant with the Old Testament saints. All those covenants are conditional “When you obey and do – I will do it” type of covenants.  God fulfilled the covenants He made with the people. He never failed even though people went astray (Ex. 32:12-14)
a)      Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3)  Promise of a heir (Gal 3:29)
b)      Covenant with Moses and Israelite (Ex. 20) – Ceremonial law/sacrifices.
c)      Covenant with David (2 Sam 7:14) promise of an eternal ruler.

2.  His Covenant in Christ (Jer. 31:31-34 cf. 1 Cor. 1:9)

All the Old Testament covenants were fulfilled in Christ Jesus.  God made a new covenant through Christ as He died, resurrected and ascended to heaven (Heb.8:1-13).  This covenant is unconditional and based on Grace.  God chose to make this covenant through the atonement / sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

3.  His Covenant with Us (2 Thes. 3:3-5; 2 Tim 1:12) 

God’s covenant with us is through Christ Jesus.  He is faithful in keeping His covenants with us.  His love endures forever (Ps 136).  So also His covenant of love never changes.  God did not choose to make this covenant of who you are but who He is (John 15:16).


God makes covenant with His people.  He never changes in His nature; therefore He will do what He had promised in your life even in the following year.  Even though you forgot His promises, He is faithful to fulfill them in your life.


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