Fulfillment of Prophecies in Christmas


THEME  : The fall of human beings and God’s eternal plan of redemption through Christ Jesus is revealed in the scripture prior to the birth of Jesus Christ.   All the Old Testament Prophecies concerning the birth of Jesus was fulfilled in Bethlehem.  The eternal/ divine plan of God for human redemption came to fulfillment through the birth of Jesus Christ. 

KEY PASSAGES:   Genesis 3:8-16; John 1:1-18, 26-27.


1.  God Formed Us in His Image (Gen.2:7 cf. James 3:9)

Humankind formed by God in His image and likeness.  No one is inferior / superior to one another “In the image of God he created them male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27) only humankind has God’s nature partially regardless of race, caste, tribe or gender.

2.  Sin Deformed Us (Gen. 3:1-7 cf. Rom 3:23-28)

The cause of all problems we see in the world today is because of “SIN”.  Satan deceived humankind with fabricated lies which seems good outwardly but darkens the mind /inner eye.  Anything contrary to the nature of God is “SIN”.  Sin comes out of selfishness.

3.  God Transforms Us Through Christ (Gen.3:15 cf. Rom 12: 1-2)

The eternal/ divine plan of God for human redemption came to fulfillment through the birth of Jesus Christ.   Jesus broke the barrier which prevented men to approach God.  Through His life and ministry Jesus demonstrated that He is the savior of the world.  Even today people are being transformed from sinful life through Christ Jesus. 


Jesus the Savior of the world is foretold in the scriptures.  He is the solution for humanity to reconcile with God.  (John 14:6)


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