Kingdom Effects on the Called Believers



I pet 2:9 – “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Everyone who is “Called into the Kingdom of God” are brought out of “Darkness to wonderful light” (1 Pet 2:9) i.e, the Demonic Kingdom to the Kingdom of God. The shift in the kingdom does not naturally happen, it requires lot of spiritual energy – Unless God works in that process, it cannot happen automatically. Jesus said in John 6:44 – “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them.”

Escape Velocity: Energy or speed required to go out of one atmosphere to another. It is very high in terms of human understanding. Escape Velocity for earth is 11.2 Kms/Sec, the Escape velocity for Jupiter is 28.3 Kms/Sec. If you want to go out of earth’s atmosphere and go to the space such great amount of energy is required. Moving from the Kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God require supernatural intervention which must be initiated by God. That’s why we call Salvation does not happen through human desire but along with the divine predestination of God.

Children ministry is a key factor where we can spend less time and energy to bring them into the Kingdom of God. Many testimonies we hear how people gave their hearts to Jesus when they were young and children ministry initiatives.

Transformation or Renewal is a beautiful thing but cannot happen automatically or naturally (Reformation of church in 1517 under Martin Luther required lot of opposition from various levels – but once happen it stays forever – it cannot go back to the old stage: Bulb factory visit in Pallavaram – It goes through very high temperature and once air blows the shape remains the same forever and never goes back to the old stage)

Kingdom effects are not alteration of the earthly characteristics.Kingdom effects are just opposite to the demonic kingdom or strongholds.


The region of Gerasenes or Gadarenes (Right side of the sea of Galilee – Jesus ministry often we see in the left side of the sea of Galilee – Capernaum, Nazareth...etc towns we hardly see Jesus moving the other side of the sea for ministry. This is one of the unusual occasions recorded in the scriptures)

Vv 2-5: The descriptions about the demon possessed man

Vv 6-13: Jesus delivered the demon possessed man and its process

Vv 14-20: The response of the people after the man was delivered

We could easily spot out the three Kingdom effects in him which was just opposite to the demonic strongholds he was experiencing, they were just ruining his life and he was in absolute darkness.


Identity defines who we are – it may represent the name or character of a person. Sometimes people are referred with nick names which reflect their character and the person who they are. Facial detection – Artificial intelligence accurately spots out who we are. Facebook identifies 3 Billion of the users using the facial identity.

Probably this man was identified as a Legion, Demon possessed, Mad, Devilish, Harsh or Wild by his behaviour but it was the demons/darkness in him that made him to be in that way. God created man in His image and likeness (Gen 1:27) but when sin entered in humanity, it marred / corrupted the image of God. The kingdom effects restore the image of God when they are saved. 2 Cor 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

Eph 4: 22-24 – Put on the new man and put off the old man

Was this man demon possessed since his birth? NO

St. Augustine was a gangster and involved in criminal activities – after his salvation he said, “The Augustine you saw yesterday died and here a new Augustine in Christ” Baptism therefore symbolizes the death to old self and resurrection to Christ. It is therefore their names (identity) often changed.


A kingdom person cannot live alongside darkness – there must be a change in his place or residence. Darkness and light cannot coexist.

Vv 2-5 we read he lived in tombs for three times. We see a living man among the dead? Was he born amidst the tombs? No. the darkness in him brought where he didn’t belong to.

John 8:12 – I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the Eternal life.”   2 Cor 6:14 – “What fellowship has light with darkness?”

John 9 we see a miracle of how Jesus opened the eye of a blind man who was sitting and begging in the roadside. As Jesus brought him into the Kingdom with a healing, we see him with Jesus at the end of the chapter praising God for the transformation happened to him (John 9:35)


Every unbeliever’s mind is captivated or blinded by Satan (2 Cor. 4:4 - The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ) They would physically see but mind is blinded to see God as their savior. The gospel is veiled to the unbelievers (v.3)

v.15 – The demon possessed man was in his RIGHT MIND sitting besides Jesus after the deliverance. It is the mind field where either God or Satan takes control of a person. It is therefore the proverbs said – “Idol mind is the workshop of Devil”

The mind of this demon possessed man was captivated by Satan but as Jesus brought him into His Kingdom, he was in clear and right mindset – He was naked previously but now wearing cloths. Kingdom effects bring transformation in Mind (what an amazing change?) which obviously leads to the holistic transformation of Body, Soul and Spirit.

Romans 12:2 – “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of YOUR MIND, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Today many children and adult are mentally captured to different things through which Satan ruin the life of the future generations. Children are addicted to PUBG games, Pornography, evil behaviours – the only way to bring them out of the mental addiction is through Gospel and Kingdom effects NOT counselling or teaching good manners.


a. Spiritual Opposition: The demon possessed man said to Jesus (v.7) Don’t trouble me Jesus! – in fact he was in troubles but the spiritual forces in him restricted to get into the Kingdom of God – You also may face as you do the children ministry. Satan knows that if the children get to know Jesus, he will lose them – He will try all measures to stop your ministries – But ultimate victory belongs to Jesus and His Kingdom.

b. Social Opposition: People were afraid of the delivered man (v.15) – It is irony that he was troubling people earlier but people felt it is ok (They should have been afraid of him when he was in the tomb). The aftermath of the deliverance, people of that area urged Jesus to leave the place (v.17) – Many more miracles or deliverance to that village was stopped due to their opposition. You may also be asked by people to stop the children ministry or clubs – But ultimate victory belongs to Jesus and His Kingdom.

c. Financial Loss: About 2000 pigs ran from the mountain areas and drowned into the sea (v.13). This might be a great financial loss for the owners and those who tend them.


We are in the place of Christ in advancing the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom effects bring change in identity, place and mindset of the individuals who are called into it. We are called into the Kingdom to bring others into the Kingdom. We do not get all we wish for (Jesus did not grant the wish of the delivered man v.19 – however I wonder Jesus grant the wish of the demons v.13), but we are given what we need for.

The passage ends with a very positive note – the delivered man proclaimed gospel in all ten towns of that area and people were amazed of his testimony. (v. 20 - So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed). The purpose that you are in the ministry/Kingdom is to declare the praises of Him who brought you out of darkness into His wonderful light (1 Pet 2:9).

May God help us to do it – “Let His Kingdom come and His will be done.” Amen


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