The Greatest Gift of All


THEME  :   The Greatest gift given by God to humanity is His son Jesus Christ.  He displayed divine love (1 Cor. 13), inner peace (Lk. 2:14), eternal hope and everlasting Joy (Phil. 4:4).  This precious gift must not be kept selfishly but to be passed on to others.

KEY PASSAGES:  Micah 5:4-6, Luke 2:9-14


1.  The Gift of Love (1 Cor. 13)

The word “αγάπη” (agape) is used for love in New Testament very often.  The word occurs 320 times in NT, which is the noblest word for love in Greek language - this word was used rarely outside the Bible.   The Biblical love (agape) has following characters; Jesus displayed this love in His life time.
a)  It is not kindled by the merit or worth of its object (Mt. 5:44)
b)  It delights in giving (John 3:16)
c)  It keeps on loving even when the loved one is unresponsive, unkind, unlovable and unworthy. It is unconditional (1 Cor.13)
d)  It desires only good of the one loved (John 13:38)

2.  The Gift of Peace (Luke 2:14)

Biblical peace is not problem free circumstance but confidence in the midst of trials.  It is not a feeling but a nature in everyone who received it.  The true inner peace experienced through Christ Jesus, who came to give that peace (John 14:27)

3.  The Gift of Hope (Col. 1:27)

Jesus being the hope for the hopeless (Luke 4:18), the birth of Jesus gave hope to the world or otherwise the world will never have the eternal hope that is in Christ Jesus.

4.  The Gift of Joy (Phi.4:4) 

It is different from happiness (which comes through what we have).  The gift of Joy that Jesus gives makes people Joyful even when the circumstances go wrong.  Paul was in Prison yet he could say Rejoice in the Lord (Phil.4:4) and rejoicing in weakness (2 Cor. 12:10)

APPLICATION:  Jesus the gift of God displayed God’s love, peace, Hope and Joy in fuller form.  This must be passed on to others as you got it!


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