Pastor. S. Asap Singh

Lord’s Prayer is found in two passages Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-13

This prayer is not for mere repetition but has rich meaning in its shift based on relationship towards God and human practices that are different from the Old Testament.

This prayer is not just another prayer to the Old Testament practices. Jews practiced praying three times a day (morning 9 am – third hour; noon 12 pm – sixth hour and evening 3 pm – 9th hour). We see this practices from David (Ps 55:17; 92:2; 5:3) and Daniel (Dan 6:10) and in the New Testament (Act 2:15; 3:1; 10:9). There was prayer in the synagogue in the absence of the Temple of the Lord.

Disciples understood the value of this prayer which is different from the Jewish prayers so that the disciples asked Jesus “Lord, Teach us to pray.” This prayer Jesus prayed made great impact in the lives of others by means of miracles and wonders.

I observed three unique elements in the “Lord’s Prayer” and examine how it has been reflected in our lives as we had seen the above as theme for a year (2017).

1.      “OUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN” (Mat 6:9)

God is in Heaven – A Transcendent God, as for as the Jewish belief, the name of the LORD is most sacred (YHWH) – people never pronounce the name neither writes it in an unworthy manner. The Lord is transcendent God that human beings can never match His holiness neither utter His name. The scribes who copied the scriptures do not use the name YHWH for God rather they used as “Elohim” to refer God – Even to write that they have to wash their pens that they are using, and then they will be washing again to write the other words of the scripture. Everybody who pronounces that name in blasphemy shall be put to death.

Jews regarded that name so high that they fail to realize that the Lord is their father. There are expressions about God as Shepherd, Almighty, Creator, Holy …etc. Even though God calls His people as his children but nobody in the Old Testament called God as their Father. The concept of God’s imminence was found in some passages like Deut 4:7 and Ps 145:18 – God is near to the broken hearted and God’s people are privileged to have God closer to them.

Jesus identified that transcendent God as “Our Father” who is accessible (Imminent – close to you). The prayer Jesus taught gets higher importance because the prayer addressed to God as “OUR FATHER” (in Greek Abba) – He is not only a father to Jesus but also everyone of us. That puts us as believers equally importance before God. We should treat everyone as brothers and sisters in Christ (John 1:14). We can approach God anytime for any of our needs.

Challenge: Think of those who feel lonely, rejected, isolated and in need of Father’s Love – What are you going to do for them?

Question: Since God as our Father what are the advantages you have?

2.      “YOUR KINGDOM COME” (Mat 6:10)

There was no idea of “Kingdom of God” found in the Old Testament. Kingdom is something a domain under the ruling of a King. God portrayed as the King of the universe – He is the sovereign ruler of the earth – the establishment of the Kingdom concept found in the New Testament.

When an evil king/ruler rules the nation the nation get ruined, poverty increase, bribe, scandal, crime and all evil things happen because the ruler is evil. On the contrary God’s Kingdom is of God is filled with positive impact on the people. (Romans 14: 18) “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus came not to establish a Church but to establish His Kingdom (God’s Kingdom) we see lot of verses in the gospels where Jesus says to establish His kingdom…

Matthew 10:7-8, As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”
Luke 4:43, But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.””
Luke 10:9, “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’”
John 18:36, Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.””

The disciples misunderstood the teaching of Jesus as Kingdom of God as an earthly Kingdom, we find it in

Acts 1: 3, 6 After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.”
v. 6, “Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?””

Jesus responded about the spiritual nature of the Kingdom of God – God rules the heart of the people. The hindrances to His rule to be removed from the hearts to prepare the way. Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, cleansed the lepers and drove demons (Mat 10:8) because the Kingdom of God is perfect which do not have sick, death, diseases, demons…etc. Jesus gave the foretaste of the Kingdom of God. In God’s kingdom material possessions cannot help (Mat 10:9).

The Kingdom of God is HUGE than the CHURCH aspect. Church gives spiritual importance where as the kingdom of God gives holistic growth of a person under the leadership of our Lord Jesus Christ. It must be started from our hearts – examine what are the things in my life that are NOT under God’s reign? Our prayer should be “Let Your Kingdom Come”

Challenge: Is your aim to establish your Kingdom / your church OR the Kingdom of God – Because God’s Kingdom is huge in size?

Question: Since God’s Kingdom is huge – What practice should I do/change to bring the Kingdom of God in my society?


We all wanted to be forgiven by God for all our short comings (KJV says forgive our debts – not only the financial debts but referring all short comings) but not ready to forgive the mistakes of others??

Forgiveness of man to man is hard thing to find in the Old Testament – God in his nature forgives the mistakes of the people – or covering the sins of the people. It was not the specific command given in the Old Testament to forgive others but we see the revenge approach (Eye for eye – Tooth for tooth – Ex. 21:24).

Forgiveness is lacking everywhere – that leads to suicide and revenge. God calls us for forgiveness, when you forgive others you will be forgiven as well. We see the parable of Jesus in Matt 18:21-35 about forgiveness of God must lead to forgiveness of mankind. The preceding verses after the Lord’s Prayer say, “If you don’t forgive of other’s mistakes you will not be forgiven as well” (Mat 6:14-15)

Challenge: Am I able to forgive others of their sins/mistakes? What are the stumbling blocks in my life that prevent me to forgive others? As you say “Lord teach me to pray” did you also pray “Lord help me to forgive others?” (Eph 4:32; Col 3:13)

Question: What are the qualifications required for forgiving others in general?

Three Questions for Discussions (Group Discussion)
  1. God as our Father what are the advantages you have?
  2. God’s Kingdom is huge – What practice should I do/change to bring the Kingdom of God in my society?
  3. What are the qualifications required for forgiving others in general?
Matt 28:6, He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”

Resurrection of Jesus is the key doctrine in Christian faith. Paul says about it as “If Christ has not risen, our preaching is vain.” (I Cor. 15:14). But throughout the history of humanity people tend to refute the resurrection of Christ more than any other doctrines in Christian faith. Why it is hard to digest, here are few reasons…
  • Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection or life after death (Act 23:8; Mat 22:23-33)
  • No evidence from people in human history other than Christ
  • Christ’s resurrection account differ in all four gospels
  • The post resurrection appearances of Christ to only familiar people whom Jesus had relations during his ministry (Not to Pilate or the high priest…)

The above reasons led people to conceive false theories on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will look into few of them and find refutation from the word of God.

1.      Swoon (Resuscitation) Theory

The theory says, the disciple saw the fainted (swooned) Jesus on the cross. In fact He did not die on the cross at all. The tomb in its pleasant healing climate healed Jesus, after few days Jesus regained his strength back and came out of the tomb.

  • The death of Jesus was confirmed by Roman soldiers and then handed over to the disciples. Romans would never let a person removed undying.
  • Linen wrappings were unwrapped in the tomb – Jesus would not have escaped in the unwrapped linen bondage. (Mat 28:6-8)
  • Physical condition of Jesus after cruel beating, crucifixion and hours of hanging would never let anyone to walk after three days.
  • Therefore the resurrection is true it is not resuscitation.

2.      Hallucination (Ghost) Theory

The theory says, “The post resurrection appearances were only supposed appearances (subjection visions), not the physical resurrection because it never happened.”


·         Thomas had to touch and confirm the physical resurrection of Jesus (John 20:27)
·         Disciples initially thought Jesus was a ghost (Luke 24:37)
·         How do more than 500 people can see a ghost during his ascension (I Cor. 15:6)

3.      Impersonation Theory

The theory says, “The post resurrection appearance said in the scriptures are not Christ at all, someone with the identical face represented Christ after his death. That is why in some cases the disciples were not able to recognize Jesus.”


· The disciples were with Jesus for more than 3 years they could easily identify a stranger replacing Jesus.
·  Thomas has to put his finger in the wounds of the cross (John 20:27)
·  In all occasions disciples were able to accept Jesus because of their intimacy.

4.      Theft The Body Theory

The theory says, “The disciples of Christ had stolen the body of Christ and proclaimed that He is risen.”


· That was the statement made by Roman soldiers to escape from execution. They paid money to affirm this claim as the scripture says (Mat 28:13)
·  The guards outside the tomb were to watch it over for three days to disclaim the words of Jesus – It is impossible to steal the body from their security.
·  Huge stone was placed in the entrance of the tomb.
· The ladies burial preparation near the tomb and angel’s appearance (Mark 16:1-4)

5.      Wrong Tomb Theory

The theory says, “The disciples did not know the original tomb where Jesus was buried, so they went in search of a wrong tomb. Therefore they were not able to find the body of Christ.”


· The disciples loved Jesus and it is impossible to find him in a wrong tomb after three days
·  The tomb was brand new – it is not possible to go into a wrong tomb.

What is the Evidence of Resurrection?
Resurrection of Jesus from all through the history brought anger and anxiety to the rulers and people (Act 4:1-3). The above theories and refutations are not just the soul reasons to prove the resurrection of Jesus. The disciples after witnessing Jesus resurrection were able to be strong witness for Christ (Act 4:31), who were once feeble.

Act 2:23-24 and Act 4:10 Peter boldly confessed that it is because of the resurrection of Christ people are healed from sickness and saved from sin and darkness. Peter even quoted after experiencing this power from above "God has raised this Jesus to Life, to which we are all witnesses" (Act 2:32) and You killed the Author of life, but God raised Him from the dead, and we are witnesses of the fact.” (Act 3:15).

Paul was so firm in his faith as he writes the resurrection chapter 1 Corinthians 15:13-15. We read some important verses here, If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God...

Resurrection of Jesus is so important in Christian faith, preaching and practices. We believe that we will one day raise like Christ with the resurrected, incorruptible and eternal bodies to live with him forever.

Today we the believers are the witnesses of Christ’s resurrection – Must share this fact to heal and save people who are in bondages. In fact the above theories are man made theories, but the power of God in us can prove the resurrection of Christ more clearly than any refutation we provide for. May God strengthen and empower us to share this good news to all people in this resurrection day.



Psalm 103:5, “Who (God) satisfies your years with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.”

Satisfaction is the longing desire of humanity for centuries. People get satisfied momentarily in food and barely any other thing human beings get satisfied. Money, Wealth, Possession, Position, Passion or Lust nothing can satisfies us, those who achieve them says “They need more.” Material things can never satisfy our desires it is the inner self (Spiritual nature) that brings satisfaction outside.

John 4:14 Jesus said the one who drinks the living water will never thirst again. As I heard and read of many testimonies 90% of them say they had no peace before Christ which they found in Christ. They intern lead a satisfied life now. The following are few observations from my side and through the scripture that gives inner satisfaction.

1.      DON’T WORRY FOR EARTHLY THINGS (Mat. 6:25-34)

Earthly things in this passage are food, clothing, shelter … etc. the earthly things satisfy us momentarily as I said above. It cannot sustain the happiness for long time (my experience of shifting to updated mobile phone – happy for few days then as it was earlier). Jesus makes a priority in v.25;

Life > Body > Food / Cloth / Shelter               (OR)
Spiritual (Invisible) > Physical (Visible) > Temporal needs,

Jesus’ simple illustrations from Bird (for food) and flowers (for cloths) – Pagans run after it! (v.32). I John 2:15-17 we read about it as love of the world, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. Everything in the world is lust of flesh, lust of eye and pride of life. They are not from the Lord.”

Instead, worry for heavenly things (Mat 6:33), “Seek first the Kingdom of God …”
Colossians 3:12, “Set your minds on things that are above.”
Romans 12:2, “Do not be confirmed with the world.”

Worrying for earthly things you gain nothing and no satisfaction achieved – Worry for spiritual things.

2.      DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME (Eph. 5:15-21)

There is two Greek words represent time 1. Chronos (χρόνος) means calendar (clock) time. The words chronology or chronological derived from this word to represent how old something is. The second word is Kairos (καιρός) in other words opportunity (opportune time) – if you don’t make use of it – it passes away. You can clearly understand the difference in following questions, What is the time (Chronos)? And How is your time (Kairos)? Both have different understanding when we ask it to someone.

v.16, “Making the best use of the (Redeeming) time (Kairos), because the days are evil!
Prov. 20:4, “The sluggard does not plow in season (Kairos), so he begs during the harvest and has nothing.”

Redeeming the time: It means if you don’t claim it in particular time, you will not get it back. Colossians 4:5, “Making the most of the opportunity.” (Redeeming the time). Following are few ideas to make your time useful according to the scriptures,

Be filled with the Holy Spirit (5:18)
Sing Psalms / Hymns / Songs / Spiritual melodies (5:19)
Giving Thanks (5:20)
Submit one another. (5:21)

Redeeming the time means glorifying the Lord in every moment of life.

3.      DON’T WORK FOR PEOPLE (Col. 3:22-25, v.17)

Getting the approval of God is more important than from men. Bible talks about pleasing God more important than pleasing people. Leader pleasers will get approval in their sights, God pleasers will be rewarded by God.

The passage is said for the bond servants (Slaves) who have no rights for themselves. Earthly masters’ command must be obeyed and don’t do an eye service/ people pleasers but do it in sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord work heartily.

Even though you work for people but when you do it sincerely you are doing it for the Lord. Mat 25:31-46; we see the parable of sheep and goat, the hearty service was appreciated by the Lord and said as service done unto Him. Jesus said in following verses about work…

John 5:17 – “My Father is at work so do I
John 9:4 – “While it is day we must do the work of God, night is coming when none can work.”
Jesus worked on God’s (Kingdom) sake. Paul in Gal 1:10, “Am I seeking the approval of man or God? If I please man I cannot be the servant of God.”

Working (for the sake) for people often will have self centered motives. I Cor. 10:31 – “Whatsoever you do, do for the glory of God.” Phil 2:14, “Do everything without grumbling or arguing.” WHY???

·         People can never lift you up if God does not move their hearts
·         From the Lord we receive the reward and inheritance (v.24)
·         Wrongdoers will be punished

Therefore don’t seek the approval of man which will never bring satisfaction, work for the Lord in whatever works you involve in.

Recap: To have a satisfied Christian life,

1.      Don’t worry for earthly things - Worry for Heavenly Realities!
2.      Don’t waste the God given time - Make use of all opportunities!
3.      Don’t work for people sake - Work for the Lord in anything you do!

May God bless you!

Pastor S. Asap Singh

Stumbling Blocks: There are certain things in our life stumbling block for our spiritual growth in following Jesus Christ. I shared it few weeks ago about the “Stumbling Blocks in Us” in our walk with Christ from Luke 9:57-62. They are basically Earthly Priorities, Wealth of the World and Overtaking God. Today we will be looking at some stumbling blocks that make others to stumble by looking at us. I would say this one is dangerous than the previous stumbling in us.

Mat. 5:16 where Jesus said, “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

The nature of a believer is so important outside the church than the inside activities. Stumbling is Hindering/Stopping/Quitting someone’s growth through our behavior or activities. Someone said “Don’t be a stumbling block, be a stepping stone” the following nature in us makes others to stumble in their faith. We should be aware of it.

I was on my motor bike the other day wanted to go for an urgent work, couple of guys blocked the road and were talking casually not bothering about the people walk on the road. I was so angry at them and shouted to clear the way – They understood the problem and cleared the way. One of the guys looked at my motor bike and noticed the word “Jesus Loves You.” He said back to me “Are you a Christian, who do not have patience and shouting at me?” that really pricked me and I am sure I cannot take that word back. I understood I humiliated the name of Jesus and a stumbling block to someone. Several times incidents such as these are being the stumbling block to others to follow Jesus. Here I list out three things below,

1.      JUDGING OTHERS (ROM 14:13)

v. 13, “Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.”

Don’t Judge others – It is the repeated command of the Bible. Often we judge others mistakenly it is due to our insufficient knowledge about others and we are not born righteous people. “All have sinned and lost the glory of God” (Rom 3:23) and the image of God (Righteous/Just) in us is marred due to the sin nature in us. It is easy to pass judgment on others and regret later once we understand we are wrong in it.

Often judging others becomes stumbling block in their faith. One of the brothers in our church was from Malaysia, he came to the church wearing hat – he due to less hair used to wear it regardless of places. One of the matured believer in our church said to him not to wear the hat inside the church – as the scripture says… he got upset about it and stopped coming to church. Later I came to know about it and brought him to the church.

Jesus clearly said about judging others in Matthew 7: 1-5, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

I understand few things from this passage

·  God is righteous (He returns the amount you give to him of anything – even in judgment case v.1)
·    The example of speck and log (mote – beam, speaks we are wrong in our judgment in most cases – the mistake we correct in others found in us large size)
·     First Judge or cleanse yourself (take out the log/beam in you)

That may be the case scripture advises us to JUDGE OURSELVES (1 Cor. 11:31) before judging others – I know who I am, that realization makes me whether I can judge others or not?

Second there is one Judge for everyone that is Christ Jesus (James 4:12) – There is one law giver and Judge … Who are you to judge your neighbor?

Make note of it “Your judgment on others may make them stumble in their faith – Judge yourself before judging others” after passing judgment on others there is only regret remaining in their fall. The better option is “Do not judge others” (Matt 7:1)


Romans 14 is entirely speaking about the “Weak and Strong” in faith.

vv. 20-21, Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21 It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall.”

Christian Liberty: There are issues that are silent and uncertain to make conclusions in the Bible that are counted as Christian liberty issues – it means according to your conscience and practice you can choose to do it or not to do it. It is called the gray issues in the Bible. There are certain things Bible clearly commands as SIN, which must be avoided for example, “Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Murdering, Hatred, Idol Worship, Sexual immorality … etc” (Gal. 5:19-21, “19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”) Let me ask the following interrogative questions…

·         Is Sexual Immorality sin?
·         Is Hatred Sin?
·         Is Speaking lie a sin?
·         Is eating pork sin?
·         Is drinking wine sin?
·         Is watching movie sin?
·         Is wearing jewel sin? …etc

The first three questions all agree “Yes” the following four there are “Yes and No” answers I see everywhere. It shows that they have no proper conclusion.

Now coming to misusing the Christian liberty it is good to look at another passage I Cor. 8:9-11, “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 10 For if someone with a weak conscience sees you, with all your knowledge, eating in an idol’s temple, won’t that person be emboldened to eat what is sacrificed to idols? 11 So this weak brother or sister, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge.

Earlier in Romans Paul talks about those who are “Strong in faith” however here he speaks about the contrast between “knowledge and weak in conscience”  misusing our liberty often comes out of selfish desires – “Food offered to idols – if you want to eat, eat it but caring about someone who is weak in conscience one must prevent their liberty for the cause of the weak in faith” therefore we must be very careful in exercising our Christian liberty because “Love always triumphs over Liberty and Unity triumphs over personal rights”

Romans 14:19, Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” We have to give up our rights for the weak – You can do it but don’t do it for the sake of someone who don’t do it.

3.      OPPOSING GOD’S PLAN (MATT. 16:23)

v.23, “Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.””

The irony here is Peter got appreciated few verses ago by Jesus saying “He is blessed and got revelation from God” (Mat 16:17), verses later he was scolded by Jesus as “Satan and Stumbling block.” The following questions are obvious to be answered,

·         Was Peter a blessed?
·         Was Peter spoke in the revelation of God?
·         Was Peter a Satan?
·         Was Peter possessed by Satan?

The first two are obvious “Yes” and the later two are “No.” The Hebrew word “SATAN” means “Adversary or one who resists/opposes”

Peter opposed the original plan of God, that is Jesus’ atonement death. That is the plan of God ever since humanity’s fall. The plan of God must happen for the atonement of humanity whether Peter likes it or not? Peter opposed the plan of God for his own agenda that is to achieve his political dream/fear of wasting 3½ years with Jesus not understanding about the wider plan of God through His death on the cross. In fact Peter don’t want to see the death of Christ that would be the end of his career.

When you oppose the plan of God you are a stumbling block to others. It is always our plans (concerns) have less importance over the plans (concerns) of God. The following are few concerns of God which we also must be concerned of…

·         Salvation of entire humanity (1 Tim. 2:3-4)
·         Sanctified and avoid Immorality (1 Thes. 4:3)
·         Doing Good (1 Pet. 2:15)
·         Filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:15-20)
·         Pray without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17)
·         Give thanks for all things (1 Thes. 5:18)

Jesus concluded the statement by saying the signs of true disciple is to deny themselves (v. 25) and not trying to save (v. 26) but ready to lose.

1.      God’s plan seems opposite to your plan – Don’t oppose it!
2.      Denying self seems hard to you – Don’t neglect it!
3.      Losing life looks hard to you – Be ready for it!

God’s plan has superior ending comparing to your plans. Opposing it makes others to stumbling at your decisions.

Isaiah 57: 14, “Build up! Build up!” The opposite of being stumbling block to someone is Building them Up!

Let us build up others and bring Glory to God who is in heaven. May God bless you all

*Preached by Pr. Asap Singh @ IGL New Life Church on Oct 15, 2017
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