(A sermon by Rev. Asap Singh in the closing of 2018 to face the New Year with new hope)

Scripture Portion: Psalm 103

This is undoubtedly the experiences of David. CH Spurgeon says about this psalm as "It is as the apple tree among the trees of the wood, and its golden fruit has a flavor such as no fruit ever bears unless it has been ripened in the full sunshine of mercy. it is man's reply to the benedictions of his God, his song in the Mount answering to his Redeemer's Sermon on the Mount." He also says "It (Ps.103) might alone almost suffice for the hymn-book of the church."

A Psalm of David's experience to His Almighty God, explaining the nature of God towards His created people. The first five verses David claims it for himself, 6-19 God’s dealing with His people and at the end 20-22 a call of worship to the nature. The psalm also lists out the faithfulness, love and justice of God in the past and assures the hope to face the future. As we are closing up the year 2018, I am intended to take us a walk through our lives in this year and examining what God has done in our lives. When you start counting the goodness of God in your lives it makes you to be grateful to God and gives courage to face the future. 

I want to take you through a look in your personal life and just guide you towards what should be your response to God in those circumstances. I have written it in comparison of my life to David, that leads me to the following,


David says “Bless the Lord O MY Soul… And forgot not all HIS benefits” (vv 1-2). Every day is a gift of God where we receive something from God – the acts of God is unthinkable in our lives. Just count the amount of Oxygen you inhaled and if you would have to pay it in a corporate mindset hospital? The following is just a calculation I received as a text,

· Human being breathe 28,800 times in average
· It takes about 11,000 liters of Oxygen everyday
·  The body requires the minimum of 55 liters Oxygen everyday which is used as fuel to the body
· A 2.5 liters Oxygen cylinder costs of Rupees 6,500
·  If you pay for all the Oxygen you inhaled, per day Rs. 13 Lakhs / Per year 4.87 Crores

This is just an example of what God has done in your lives – Can anyone say “God did not do anything to me?” or “Is there any reason NOT to Thank God?” I would obviously say “NO” besides this when you look back God has been your…

· Provider of all you needed (Deut 8:4; 29:5 –Shoes/Cloths/Shelter/Food…etc). May not be all you want!
· Protector from all harm (Sickness/Death/Trials/Temptations) – Ps 103:3-4
· Forgiveness and Mercy when you were going away/doing wrong (Ps 103:4) – Mercy (eleos – Pity –not getting what we deserve) is different from Grace (charis – undeserved getting something)

All the above things in the past lead me to Thank God. Looking past is NOT living in the past. Looking past is always bits and pieces (Like watching highlights in the post matches – the recap of test match crickets nobody watches over). The highlights in the past make us to be grateful to God – therefore look back and Thank God.


Key things we see in this passage – God is Righteous, Justice, Compassionate, Gracious, Slow to anger, Love and Kind and does not treat according to what we deserve.

All the acts of the Lord in our daily life – we see in the above verses – it is visible only we look around. It happens most of the times our problems is looking at our past life or dwelling in the present or worrying about the Future. Looking around us gives heart of gratitude that how privileged we are.

V.5 says “He satisfies our desires with good things” when we are satisfied with good things – we must respond it in praise (Ps 116:13 – Lift up the cup of salvation). The song that says “Every blessing you pour out – I’ll turn back to Praise” but how many times we turned out them to be praises?
When you look around you initially murmur of what you do not have but when your look further you will praise God for what you have. When your shoes getting old you will murmur but when you look around with someone who does not have legs you will praise God. There is a video I saw “Be Grateful” which is the good reminder that – Everyone has something better when you compare it with someone else. We all are in some way special comparing with someone who does not have it.

Lot of adversities happened around in this year like Cyclones/Flood/Famine/Loss of loved ones… etc. those things happening all around us, we are still alive. This is the reason to Praise God. Don’t forget to look around and see what is happening that will lead you to praise God.


V.14 says “He knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.” – are there any use with the dust? I know that I am nothing without God.
V.15 the life time of humans are very short (Like grass/flowers) disappears shortly.

God knows the unknown and sees the unseen,

Hebrews 4:13 - Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
I Samuel 16:7 - The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
Psalm 139:1-4 - Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.

Ps 103:14 says “He knows how we are formed” – Everyone is formed with different abilities – IQ’s –understandings – positive and negatives – good and bad. God knows which kind of person you are.

Knowing someone’s thought makes us sick (Gen 6:5 – evil thoughts) actor Vivek in one of the movies tries to understand the heart of women and finally gets sick of mind voices.

When we look within – a kind of person we are – filled with pride/envy/lust/jealous/anger… etc – Amidst of all those sins and failures God still love us - which in turn leads us to love God. 


It is always our past and present experiences give confidence to face the future.

v.17 – His faithfulness and Love remains the same from Everlasting to Everlasting (Eternal). It leads me to the conclusion, God was faithful-just and love in the past and present so also HE WILL BE the same in the Future.
v.18 – His Covenant remains the same – God made covenant or agreement with His people, He will never change no matter whether we change or not. He will love you and care for you whether you do it back or not.
v.19 – He is Sovereign king over all He created. All things are under His control – You no need to worry something would go wrong in the future.
His Promises remain the same (Ps. 145:13; 2 Cor. 1:20). Therefore we can look ahead even in the next year with hope and trust in the Lord that he will lead us in the good path.

Philippians 1:6, “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Look forward the next year with the hope and trust in the Lord because He is in Control.

May God bless you in the coming year 2019 with all His heavenly blessings!