Faith of the Centurion

(What made Jesus to amaze at the faith of the Centurion?)
Three Characteristics of a Life Giving Leader

Luke 7:1-10

The Faith of the Centurion

When Jesus had finished saying all this to the people who were listening, he entered Capernaum. There a centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant. When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” So Jesus went with them. He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” 10 Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well.

The passage preceded a long teaching in Luke 6, where we see the
  • Beatitudes (17-26)
  • Love for Enemies (27-36)
  • Judging Others (37-42)
  • Tree and its Fruits (43-45)
  • Wise and Foolish Builders (46-49)
Chapter 7 is on the contrary to teaching but filled with the actions of Jesus, we see of
  • Healing Centurion’s Son (7:1-10)
  • Jesus raises widow’s son (11-17)
  • Jesus curing sickness and delivering demon possessed (18-23)
V.1 states that it was held in Capernaum – One of the three towns in Galilee where Jesus visited frequently. In Luke 10:13-15, Jesus cursed three towns where he ministered so often yet people did not believe Him.

We see some important characters in the passage Centurion, His servant and some elders in Jews (mediators to Jesus). What made Jesus to amaze his faith? He is a Roman commander – having the authority over 100 soldiers. He heard of Jesus, sent messengers to bring Jesus. Jesus amazed at his faith for the statement he made and the great faith he had on Jesus. The characteristics of a life giving leader must follow the same as the centurion!

1.      HE HAD AMAZING LOVE (VV 4-5)

Romans by nature oppressive – Remember they are in power now – Roman empire ruling over the know world. On the contrary he was a man possessed with amazing love towards people and nation. “This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.”

Remember Romans destroyed the temple in AD 70 (after Jesus’ time), they were all concerned of demolishing the worship places so that the Roman emperor can be worshipped and proclaim his superiority over the gods of the nations they conquered.

Amazing love looks beyond everything – all differences are put aside in amazing love. He is pleading for His servant – not for son or daughter or one of the family members or for himself. His concern and love was towards the least in his house.

We need to build the lives that are torn down and broken – look for people who are not being cared by anyone. Someone might ask you “Why are you doing this?” because God loves us! “With God’s love we are quick to forgive one another! Not bitter to one another – Bitterness is the attack of the enemy.”

Corrie Ten Boom, “How to Forgive” (Watch in Youtube) – “Jesus would have suffered as if you were the only person lived on the earth” (Mat 6:15 – Rom 5:5) The Love of God is poured unto us through the Holy Spirit.

A life giving leader must be known for his amazing love!


He was praised by the elders – He loves Israel AND built a synagogue. He doesn’t need to do so. Great leaders live with amazing generosity.

Generosity is an attitude – It is not how much you give. It is not determined or proportionate to how much you have. If generosity meant by how much you have then 60-70% of the people in the globe can give nothing to anyone who is in need!

Pastor Tom Milan had a poor unemployed boy in the congregation who came to church with dirty shirt and without shoes. As he noticed him purchased good cloths and pair of shoes asked him to wear it when he comes to the church. The next week he came to church wearing the shirt but not the shoes and jacket. The pastor got angry at him and said, “Why haven’t you wear the shoes I BOUGHT for you and the jacket?” he replied, “Pastor I put on all you gave it to me, but on my way I found a homeless man on the street having no shoes and shivering in the cold. I gave them to that man. Pastor if Jesus would be on the earth he would have done the same right?” That question from the boy struck the pastor and gave a new definition to generosity – Generosity does not come from plenty but the attitude of heart that longs to give, give and give.

During the death, people will be known by their generosity and love they had towards others. The centurion was known by his generosity – he didn’t have to do but his generous heart tends to do so.

A life giving leader must be known for his amazing generosity!

3.      HE IS A PERSON OF HONOR (6-8)

He said to Jesus, “I am not worthy of hosting you into my house.” He honoured the people of the society and most importantly JESUS.

The centurion though did not believe the Jewish customs yet honoured their ideas. It should be true to us sometimes – Even though you don’t believe what they believe yet honour THEM (people) – the centurion did the same to Jesus!

Jewish Rabbis don’t visit gentiles, by doing so they defile themselves. His house will be defiled too. Two understanding about defilement – people were defiled both by holy and unholy intention. The centurion admits that Jesus by entering into his house defiles himself and his house too (as Jewish understanding). God honours a person who honours others.

An Indian Hindu family in Kansas – Christ Church Members – children mingled with others and accepted Christ. They brought the parents, father attended the bible study and impressed about it, came to Pr. Dennis and said, “I attended the Bible study – It’s so impressive – But I don’t want to become a Christian – Can I keep coming to the church and be in your fellowship? – Pastor said certainly. The church was praying for the family – He became camera operator in the church – Got baptized after 3 years – 40 people from India witnessed his baptism – Now over 20 in his family accepted Christ – From Hyderabad.

He realized that he was not worthy of hosting Jesus – Jesus a person of Honour too – He broke all the Jewish practices in welcoming gentiles. V. 7, “But say the word, and my servant will be healed.” That led him to have great faith on Jesus.

A life giving leader must be a person of honoring others!

Jesus then said a word and healed him. We must be life giving leaders – must bother about the least one who is in need. The centurion was praised by Jesus, “I haven’t found even among Jews such a great faith.”

Let’s be life giving leaders, having…

Amazing Love
Amazing generosity
Person of Honor


*(This sermon is adapted from Pr. Tom Mullins, Christ Fellowship Church, FL)


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