The Call of Jeremiah

Text: Jeremiah 1:1-10


The book of Jeremiah is one of the major prophets in the Old Testament, the prophet Jeremiah is often identified as the ‘weeping prophet’ (9:1; 13:17) and an unmarried or ‘lonely prophet’ (16:2). Over 40 years he faithfully proclaimed God’s judgment and endured in oppositions, beatings and imprisonments (20:1-3; 38:1-28). He began his carrier as a prophet with the proper call from the Lord; when he was in 20 years of age. In the time of King Josiah his ministry was begun and it continued even the captivity in 586 BC, he was a prophet until King Zedekiah’s captivity to Babylon. He is the most persecuted prophet who suffered and no one recognized or heard his voice until his death. Often he is called to be the faithful man who did not see the success, yet spoke from the Lord.

There are many who look at the success in the ministry and give credit to the pastors and leaders; in the midst of all Jeremiah is found to be the most successful prophet through the faithfulness in the work of the Lord. One of the modern evangelist says, “The Lord make sure the call of His chosen through; prosperity wealth and ministerial success” prophet Jeremiah’s life echoes to all servants of God that faithfulness is the vital element in the sight of God.

The selected passage of this scripture, we could clearly understand the call of Jeremiah and the elements which involves in it. From this particular passage I would like to give four characters involve in the call of the Lord,

·         The Predestination of the Lord (vv.4-5)
·         The Self-rejection of the prophet (v.6)
·         The Promise of the Lord (vv.7-8)
·         The Procedure of God’s call (vv.9-10)

A call from the Lord includes all these characters; above all the quality that the Lord expects is obedience (to His words and call).


The words of the Lord goes like that, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; I consecrated you and appointed you a prophet to the nations
”. The prophet or a called man is being prepared or consecrated by the Lord even before the birth and even before the creation of everything. The meaning of predestination is, “God has determined beforehand that those who believe in Him will be adopted into His family, which is the choice of God’s part (Eph. 1:4)”. If we see the statement of Paul, it is more evident that he also was chosen by the Lord even before His birth (Gal.1:15)

If we notice the life of Jeremiah, he was just a 20 years old - young man, who doesn’t have the courage to meet the kings and give the words of the Lord, but the predestination of the Lord doesn’t need any further qualification except God’s call. The prophetic office is one of the toughest jobs in the Old Testament, in which sometimes they face to challenge the kings and give words against them. It is the work in which Jeremiah is called to do it. It is only by Grace of the Lord that we are predestined and chosen before the foundation of the world to be the chosen generation and to do His ministry (Eph. 1:3-7).

It is the grace of the Lord that you and I are invited in the mission of the Lord, there is no any merits found in us that God choose us. The only reply we can give to respond God’s call that, “Lord use me! Here I am” and living a faithful life as Jeremiah lived.


The words of the Prophet clearly prove the dislike of choosing this ministry. He says that, “Lord I don’t know how to speak, I am only a youth”. The ministry of the Lord doesn’t need any special qualifications; but first of all the rejection arise from the mind of the called ones. Many great servants of God in the Old Testament were unwilling at first and at last they were found to be the most successive leaders in history and God’s view.

Moses, in His first meeting with the Lord, he answered that “Lord send someone to accomplish your will” (Exo. 3:11; 13; 4:1; 10; 13); Isaiah (Isa. 6:5); Peter (Lk. 5:8). Similar answer found even in Jeremiah that, “Lord I can not do”. One of the saying goes like that “The Lord doesn’t need qualified people for His works, but He qualifies whom He needs for His works”. It is completely true that those who are rejected by the people are accepted by the Lord (I Cor.1:18, 27).

The word impossible is not found in the dictionary of the Lord. The words of the Lord comforted the Young man that “don’t say I am a youth”. To carry out the purpose of the Lord You, You and You alone is needed not the others, whatever the weakness you have, it can never bring hindrance if you are called by the Lord (Rom. 8:28)

3.       THE PROMISE OF THE LORD: (VV. 7-8)

In the midst of this confusion, the young man is being comforted through the promise of the Lord, “Don’t be afraid of them (evildoers), I am with you to deliver you”. It is one of the greatest promises which the Lord gives to the called people “don’t be afraid”, this promise is given even to Abraham (Gen.15:1); Peter (Lk.5:10); Paul (Act.27:24)… etc.

Bible is the book that contains the promises, God’s comfortable words to those who are in distress, it encourages to those who are in agony. There are many afflictions Satan is going to bring in your ministry; it may be in the form of People, Pestilence, Problems or the Power of darkness. But the promise of the Lord to the called ones, “don’t be afraid, for I am with you and I will deliver you”.

The Lord knew the problems which Jeremiah must undergo, if we read throughout the book, it is pitiful that because of proclaiming the message of the Lord he was in dungeons. In chapters 37-38; he was tortured, imprisoned, beaten, and thrown into the pit, in spite of all these trials he was faithfully proclaimed the message of the Lord. There were many false prophets who said, “Chaldians will not come against us” but because of having the promise of the Lord he was able to bear all things with joyful heart. The hand of the Lord was with Jeremiah so that he was delivered by the Lord from the evildoers.

My dear brethren, you are called to do the ministry of the Lord with a promise that, He will be with you in all circumstances. Is it not giving courage to involve effectively in ministry? Today the Lord gives the same promise that “I will be with you even till the end of the earth” (Matt.28:20) to deliver you.

4.       THE PROCEDURE OF GOD’S CALL: (VV. 9-10)

The Lord’s procedure of cleansing the people, first he touches the mouth of the called one, mouth must be sanctified to proclaim the message of the Lord. Isaiah underwent the same procedure as he entered into the ministry (Isa. 6:7). The procedure is needed since the Lord gives His words in the mouth (Moses; Exo. 4:11-16; Isaiah; Isa. 51:16). The prophet is commanded to prophesy both blessing and destruction; Pluck up and Break down; Destroy and Overthrow; Build and Plant. The words of the Lord are both blessing and condemnation; the obedient will be blessed and disobedient will be damned. 100% blessing / Prosperity or 100% curse / poverty are not from the Lord. God does everything in a balanced way. The Lord’s process of sanctification is found even in the life of Jeremiah.

If Judah would have obeyed the voice of the Lord and surrendered to Babylon, then the city might not be destroyed. The cry of Jeremiah was ignored therefore the city was destroyed and the people became captives.

You also may not know anything and saying “I am just a youth”, but the Lord is ready to sanctify you and use you as His mouth piece. Are you ready to yield your life for the cleansing? Today the blood of the Lord cleanses from all kinds of unrighteousness and willing to make you pure, are you ready to give yourself to the procedure of the Lord? Rom.8:28 say, “All things work together as good for those who love God, called according to the will of God”. Are you called according to the will of God?


The call of the Lord doesn’t need any merit or good works, it is purely by the grace of the Lord that predestined you before your birth, it is not accidental. You and I got that privilege to be the spokesman for the Lord. He has given the wonderful Promises to guide and lead the called ones, “Fear not I am with you to protect you”. The Procedure of the Lord is unique and clear, those who yield to that will be used by the Lord. If you say today “Pastor, so far I did not give myself to this procedure of cleansing” will you not say in this moment, “Lord purify me through your cleansing blood?”

Purify My Heart
Let me be as gold and precious silver.
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold, pure gold.

Refiner's fire
My heart's one desire
Is to be... holy;
Set apart for You, Lord.
I choose to be... holy;
Set apart for You, my Master,
Ready to do Your will.

Purify my heart,
Cleanse me from within
And make me holy.
Purify my heart,
Cleanse me from my sin, deep within.


The Sermon was preached @ Pax Christiana Bible College & Seminary, Vadakkupattu Bypass, Thirukazhukundram on July 20, 2008.


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