Whom Should I Blame? (A Reflection on Kerala Floods - August 2018)

Pr. Asap Singh, M.A, M.Th.

The tragedy of flood in Kerala from the beginning till the middle of this month (August 2018) was a big disaster nationwide. People groups, NGO’s and state governments came forward to support the state to do the rehabilitation works after the stoppage of the rain. More than 300 lives were lost and millions were moved from their homes and put them in relief camps. On the one hand people united to support Kerala by doing relief works individually and collectively, on the other hand they blame one another as the reason for flood. Following are some of the blames/accusations from different levels made as the reason for the flood.

  • A Hindu priest in Kerala said that the court ordered to send women into one of the leading temples led that god anger on people and send flood all over the land.
  • A Christian pastor preached that due to the increase of sin among the people (like the sins of people in the days of Noah) God provoked anger to send flood in the state.
  • Kerala Government made a statement in Supreme Court of India stating that Tamilnadu government opened a dam (amidst 40 dams that were opened in the peak of rain) which brought disaster to the state.
  • Tamilnadu government defended by saying Kerala opened 40+ dams without proper management of water that became the reason for flood

There is several more accusation claimed to justify their statements. By all above examples one thing is clear that people try to accuse (find fault / judge / blame) others by covering their own mistakes. Accusation in biblical understanding as “the result of sinfulness” Adam and Eve after the FALL accused others to claim that they were right (Gen 3:12-13) and someone is wrong who led them to sin. Sinfulness of people always leads to blame others – not admitting their fault (This is different from defending one’s right stand).

The word Devil or Satan means “Accuser or Adversary” there are verses in the bible interchangeably translated the word Devil or Satan to Accuser (1 Chr. 21:1; Ps. 109:6). Satan as a person in biblical writings said to be the “one who finds fault” several portions both OT and NT proves that as true (Job 2:1-6; Zech 3:1-2; Jude 9; Rev. 12:10)

Now the question: Is it right to accuse God / Satan / Government / People as the reason for disasters like flood / earthquake / Storms / Tsunami. Just like the recent flood happened in Kerala? My answer is NO!

Luke 13:1-5 Jesus quoted two incidents where people faced death miserably – and were people accusing them by saying that “They were sinners” Jesus opposed it – it was not the sins of people that led them towards that ending. In fact he was against all forms of accusations. Judging others (Matt 7:1-5) is none of human business, because the one who judges is also under the divine/eternal judgment of God. God is the judge for both living and dead. Jesus and John the Baptist were accused of their lifestyles (Luke 7:33-34).

Besides over 300+ death, there were millions who were rescued by the fellow people (Fishermen / Soldiers / Common people). Just like this physical rescue, there needs a spiritual rescue for people who are under the bondage of sin and darkness. Unless someone who is saved helps others out, they cannot be saved by themselves. As per the words of Jesus Judgment is waiting which is eternal. The sign of the covenant that is made with Noah is a rainbow (Gen 9:13-16) so also the new rescue done through Jesus Christ has the seal of indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30). Repentance is the key to every individual regardless of those who are rescued physically from flood or who live normal life anywhere in the world. If you are still an accuser, Jesus calls you as a hypocrite (Matt. 7:5)
Tell me now! Whom are you going to blame? Is God? Is Satan? Is Government? Is People? If you still blame one of them – it is the sign that you are in your sins and in need of repentance (Luke 13:5). Jesus is the only savior who can rescue you from your sins and lead you to eternal life. 

May God bless you!

Credit:  The above is written based on the concept shared by Rev. Andrews @ AGM of YMCA (Salem) on August 25, 2018.


  1. wow,. very well documented! thank you for sharing such a wonderful thought.
