Scripture Portion: Matthew 4:1-11.

The scripture passage is the temptation of Jesus, which is the beginning of Christ’s ministry. The test / temptation from Satan occurred at the end of 40 days fasting from Jesus.

Theme: The key theme of the passage is Israelites failed in all their temptations as they were in the wilderness for 40 years. As Jesus symbolically fulfilled them by fasting 40 days in the wilderness, as He was tested he found faithful where Israelites failed. We see in v.1 that the purpose of Jesus sent into wilderness was to be tested by Satan. He was led by the SPIRIT into the wilderness.

The Question: the common question in the point of above theme, Will Jesus be faithful in the temptations where Israelites failed? The above passage is a symbolic reality in our ministry to renew the vision given by the Lord. Israelites had great legacy of Abraham’s faith – Isaac’s truthfulness – Jacob’s perseverance. They lost their vision/commitment on the way by failing in the temptations in the wilderness. We too have the same kind of testes to check whether we are faithful or failure in the vision or carry on the past legacy. The same question is possible even to us whether we are gonna be faithful like Christ? or failure/unfaithful like the people of Israel? The following are the tests Jesus faced and remained faithful.


Jesus was hunger after the 40 days of fasting. He was the son of God who can potentially turn the stone into bread to feed His hunger and prove the challenge put forth by Satan. Satan tempted wisely by putting a challenge before Him, “If you are the Son of God.” He may be in a position to prove that He is the Son of God. The response of Jesus was not positive to Satan rather He said, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” it was different reaction from the response of Israelites.

Deuteronomy 8:3 (vv.1-3) This fifth book of the Bible is the repetition of Law given to the past generation in the wondering years. This was given in the plains of Moab which is the gate of the Promised Land, the new generation were warned of the mistakes done by their fathers and to be faithful to God. The lessons/law taught by Moses in the wilderness were disobeyed by their forefathers in trusting the provision of the Lord. Moses instructed them to remember their failures and use them as negative role models not to be repeated again.

The verse Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Deut 8:3) was a response from Moses as he rebuked the Israel for grumbling and murmuring against the provision of God. When Jesus used the same verse He proved that He did not fail in the temptation where Israelites failed. He remained faithful by trusting God. We see the result at the end of temptation v.11 says, “Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.”

-  Do we face the temptation of trusting God’s provision for our physical needs?
-  Do we grumble / murmur against God for not meeting the physical needs?
-  Do we take short-cut to fulfill the physical needs?


 Jesus was in a different scenario, standing in the pinnacle of the temple (Probably the tallest spot in Jerusalem). The interesting factor here is not only the challenge of His divinity but also Satan used the Scripture to encounter Him into temptation. Many people are cheated by Devil’s scheme of using God’s word to make people fall. He says, “It is written ….” Uses Psalm 91:11.

The response of Jesus was again going back to the word of God in Deuteronomy 6:16, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” Scripture (The word of God) is said to be the only offensive weapon in Eph 6: 11-16. Therefore Jesus confronted Satan with the Word of God every time He was tempted.

Moses warned the new generation “Not to test God as their forefathers did.” Deut. 6:16 says, “Thou shall not tempt the Lord your God.” Since they asked signs from the Lord, Moses says don’t expect more signs as God has redeemed you from Egypt displaying His mighty act among the Egyptians to redeem you. On the other hand the Jews remained asking signs from the Lord. In the time of Jesus Pharisees asked signs from Jesus (Mark 8:11-12). We see in those verses they try to tempt Jesus by asking signs but Jesus did not give them any sign.

We see in the passage Jesus did not fail in the temptation where Israelites failed. Jesus remained faithful to God. Most of the times we fail by testing God in an unwanted manner to challenge others. Jesus did not obey to withstand in the challenge “If you are the Son of God...”

-          Do we test / tempt God in and through our actions?
-          Do we expect more signs from God besides His saving act upon us?


Jesus at the end of the temptation passage was in a top of a hill. The test has two fold implications of covetousness and worshiping other gods. Satan tempts people to worship him by showing the wealth of the world as a reward for worshiping him. It is again a false promise, he has no right of giving what is belongs to God (Ps. 24:1-2). Jesus was asked to worship Satan and get the possession of the world.

This was the greatest temptation Israelites faced (idolatry) and failed time and again. People are created by God to worship Him and give the first place to Him. Israelites were so vulnerable in choosing other gods wherever they went; they followed the heathen lifestyle and their gods which was detested by the Lord. The highest of all we see in the worship of “Golden Calf” in the wilderness (Ex. 32). The people were misled by Aaron immediately after the Ten Commandments were given (Ex.20), at least 40 days later the commands were given at Mt. Sinai by the Lord DIRECTLY. The people often look at the wealth of the world prior to worshiping the Lord.

Jesus responded (Mt. 4:10), “Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and serve Him alone.” This is the quote from Deuteronomy 6:13. Moses rebuked the Israelites for worshiping other gods in the wilderness and said to the newer generation not to follow the bad example again. Even after those warnings they again failed by worshiping foreign gods and left the ways of the Lord. Jesus did not fail in the test of worshiping Satan and found faithful in where Israelites failed.

Do we face the temptation of worshiping other gods (money, relationship, possession…)?
-  Do we give the first place to something else than God?
-  Do we lead to idolatry even though “said to be following Christians”?

Be faithful like Jesus, don’t be a failure like the Israelites!!!

Jesus the new Moses brought the new law through His blood so that we are in a new covenant. We see in the gospels about the Jewish people how they failed even after the strong warnings and captivities. They failed in the commandments given at Mt. Sinai. Therefore Jesus being the new Moses gave new commandments at the mount (Mt. 5-7), where Jesus said that he came to fulfill the law not to break them off (Mt. 5:17-18).

Jesus sent 12 disciples as a symbolic expression of the 12 tribes conquered the Promised Land. As the nation of Israel started with the 12 tribes, Jesus left the church with 12 disciples/ Apostles. They took the goodness of Jesus to the lost world.

He was crucified – took the curse of the law (Gal 3:13) into His shoulder for the entire world and sent the disciples with the new commission (Mt. 28:18-20), the new Israel into the world. He sent them with His authority and presence.

Jesus is with us to overcome all the temptations Israel failed to keep. We can also be overcomers through Christ Jesus since he found faithful in everything people failed. Jesus was faithful in the mission of Israel, so He is faithful though we are unfaithful to Him. Since Jesus has faithfully overcome everything we can have confidence in Him and do the following….

1. Be Relaxed: Jesus had done everything, He loves us and we are saved by grace through faith.
2.  Be Obedient: As Jesus the new Moses gave new Law. He is the Lord of Lords and He calls us to follow and obey Him.
3. Keep Reading: The Bible must be read and followed by the believers/followers of Christ. We should not be OT/NT Christians. Old Testament Christians fail to see the climax through Christ Jesus. The New Testament Christians fail to see God’s action in the History.
4. Keep Conveying: The message of God must be conveyed/shared to others. Abraham to Apostles God blessed people by using them. Our God is a missionary God, He says, “Go into the world…. Preach the Word”

May God bless us to be faithful followers, not failure believers. AMEN.


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