How are we celebrating Christmas today? New dress, good food ... in a worldly way with pomp and pride! How did the poor shepherds' celebrate the first Christmas? If we compare and contrast our way of celebrating Christmas with that of the shepherds' then we can know how hypocritical are and lost the true meaning of Christmas.

Today so many children are born in our private and government hospitals. Unless they are related to us (friends or relatives) we will not go and visit them. We are not at all concerned about the numerous children born every day in the-nearby hospitals. The shepherds are commendable because the child born was not at all related to them in any way.  They went and paid their respect. When a child is born it was customary in those days for the local singers and musicians to congregate in the house of the new born babe to greet the child. Jesus born in a stable in Bethlehem and therefore that ceremony could not be carried out. It was a lovely thought for the heavenly host who took that place and sang for Jesus that the earthly singers could not sing. Further it was not a human announcement but rather by the angels who were busy in the birth of Jesus (Messengers to Mary, Elizabeth, Zachariah, Joseph and Shepherds).

First a single angel (v. 9) appeared to do the announcement, then a host of angels appeared to sing (v. 13) happy birthday. When we sing it, we sing it for the concerned person; but Jesus' happy birthday song was different from ours which is for the whole universe. This doxology was related to the heaven and earth. Today we have the privilege and responsibility of sharing the good news to the world and angels cannot take our place. The angels were not sent to the chief priests or elders but to the shepherds. Why did God choose the shepherds to receive the message first? It was from Old Testament we know that it was the shepherds (Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David) who responded positively and obeyed to God. A brief outline about the shepherds can be highlighted as follows. The shepherds in the birth of Christ: 1.Heard. 2. Believed. 3. Obeyed. 4. Received. 5. Testified. 6. Rejoiced. 7. Praised.

A king worried his court by often disappearing and walking incognito among his people. When he was asked not to do so for security reason, he answered; I cannot rule my people unless I know how they live". We have a God who knows the life we live because he too lived it and claimed no special advantage over common men. In Matthew God used the star to guide the Magi and in Luke we see the angels in relation to the shepherds. To each, God chose to speak in the language they were most conversant with.

1. SIMPLE SHEPHERDS: On the night of the incarnation the shepherds received the message first how fitting it was. The birth of the GOOD SHEPHERD, GREAT SHEPHERD, CHIEF SHEPHERD, LAMB OF GOD, was announced to poor shepherds whose minds were prepared by the Holy Spirit. The Light of the World was born in the night. When Christ was born, the good news was not announced to the parents or relatives or friends of Joseph and Mary. It was not revealed to the self-righteous Pharisees or priests Instead the first announcement was to the shepherds who were despised by the orthodox people of the day. They were not able to keep the details of the ceremonial law; they could not observe the meticulous hand washings and rules and regulations. 'The flocks made far too constant demands on them and so looked down by the people. It was to these simple men who were at the lowest rank of the social order. God's message was a "Super message of Fear Not, Joy and Peace".

2. SPECIAL SHEPHERDS: In the temple every morning and evening an unblemished lamb was offered as sacrifice to God. To see that supply of perfect offering was always available, the Temple authorities had their own private flocks which were pastured near Bethlehem. It was likely to these shepherds who looked after the Temple lambs, the first announcement was made about the Lamb of God who takes the sins of the world. They were privileged and first to see the Lamb of God.

3. SLEEPLESS (WATCHFUL) SHEPHERDS (V.8): They were on duty and devoted to their work to protect the sheep from the wild animals and thieves. Though sleep is a blessing from God (Ps. 127:3), we have to be agile and keep awake at times to fulfill God's role. The three disciples were sleeping in the garden of Gethsemane when they were expected to keep awake. Love not too much sleep (Prov. 20:13); be awaken (Rom. 13:11, 12).

4. SURPRISED SHEPHERDS: (v.18): The appearance of an angel surprised them. So far in their lives they had been in the field many days and no angel appeared to them. This was the first time in their life seeing an angel while on duty. The annunciation message also surprised them. The glory of God (shekinah) represented the holiness and visible blessing of God's presence in the Old Testament (Ex. 24:16; Isa. 6:1-3; Rom. 9:4). It was the glory which filled the tabernacle (Ex. 40:34, 35) the temple (I Kings 8:11). At the mount of Transfiguration (Mt. 17) and during the martyrdom, Stephen (Acts. 7:55) and Saul on the road to Damascus (Acts 22:6-11) had seen this light or Glory. It was the same glory. It was the same glory which encompassed the shepherds and they were surprised. Today promotion in work, good result in exams, large amount in lottery etc may surprise us; but not God's message. But it was God's message which surprised the shepherds.

1. They would have shared to Joseph and Mary the whole incident and how they came to that place to see baby Jesus. That news would have encouraged Joseph and Mary to understand the supernatural savior.
2. They spread the word and became the first evangelists of the Christian era. They believed the words of the angels and therefore spoke. If we were in that situation how would have we responded?

6. RESPONDING SHEPHERDS: While Herod the King, the Jewish priests rejected the information about the birth of Jesus, the shepherds responded positively. Their response sets a precedent for us.

a. THEY SPOKE EXCITEDLY: It was not the appearance and seeing of the angels that excited them, but the good news of Jesus' birth. It amazed them. What is the good news that excites you? Money, work, business, sports, pleasure etc? Christ is born for you. Does this excite you? If yes, then you will be sharing it with others.

b. THEY SPOKE RECIPROCALLY: They began to talk about the good news to one another. Birth of a child, purchase of a new house, getting new job etc- we share with others since we are social beings. We love to talk about things we love and enjoy. The passage highlights the one another needs and responsibilities because "no man is an island". I need you and you need me. What do men talk with one another? Politics, finance, cinema, our problems, work or evil about a third person. Have you spoken about Christ to your roommate, colleague and your family members (if they are non-Christians?). They spread the word and told others about the child (vv.17, 18). When God speaks we should receive His message with right earnestness and share with others (Cf: Samaritan woman who shared the message with her villagers; scattered early Christians preached the gospel Acts 8:4). Do you have the compulsion to tell others the good news of Christ?

c. THEY SPOKE EXHORTATIONALLY: “Let us” hortatory clause which calls others to join us in action. They interacted with each other about the course of action in response to the message received. We need exhortation, comfort, and encouragement. "Let us" exhortation occur 56 times in the New Testament and with over 30 of these in the epistles. Do not ignore others; join hand with others in action. The shepherds did not doubt the message of the angel; instead they acted together.

d. THEY ACTED PURPOSEFULLY: After receiving the message they responded to it in faith. Their goal was to go and see the newly born babe; their priority was not to watch the sheep. Without goal in life based on biblical values (Bible is the compass for the life) people never go straight; they chase one thing after another or wander around. Today many people are like small corked bottles that are carried by the tides and waves of life rather than a ship that is being guided. What are your goals for the New Year? Do you have any? Do they go beyond self-centered desires?

e. THEY ACTED IMMEDIATELY: The shepherds’ did not linger on but rushed off to see the baby. They lost no time but came with haste to the place not side tracked by the occupation, family, laziness, indifference or any other host of things.

f. THEY ACTED SEARCHINGLY: The Greek word used for "found" in v.16 means "to find after a search". The Magi had a star to guide them but these shepherds did not have any. They were not given any address to search (today we may ask which hospital? Where is it? How to get there?), except for the sign that the child was born in a stable. (Generally a child will be born inside the house and dressed up in robes and not in manger with swaddling clothes). When sending the disciples to fetch the donkey for triumphal entry to Jerusalem, no address was given to the disciples as well. When God led the Israelites out of Egypt, no road map (blue print) was given. It’s the biblical way of leading people who will obey and follow in faith. Take the first step and God will lead the rest. Will you get this message deep down in to your heart?

g. THEY ACTED INSIGHTFULLY: The shepherds who came searching to see and know the babe was rewarded for their efforts. They did not see him with their eyes, but went away with spiritual insight having seen the Lord, the Saviour of the world. Simeon also saw the child from eschatological perspective. Those who have eyes of faith can have many insights about God in this world.

h. THEY ACTED FAITHFULLY: They went back to the work, returned joyfully. Their profession did not change. But their hearts were changed. They returned to their work filled with joy.

You had celebrated so many Christmases in your life so far. But this Christmas, think about the shepherds as you go to bed and evaluate how they celebrated Christmas and how you observe it today. May Our Good Lord continue to speak to you to be a good messenger for Him.

(This Sermon Was Preached by Rev. V. C. Selwyn, Kambong Kaboor Methodist Church)


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