The Significance of Christmas


SCRIPTURE PORTIONS: Isaiah 9: 1-7; Luke 2: 8-20.

There are so many things can be said of the significance of Christmas, I have decided to focus my discussion on three important things based on the scripture. Christmas means different things to different people. Normally, it would be a time of busy schedule. People who are away from home would be busy making traveling arrangements to come home and return. Parents busy buying new clothes for children and tailors busy in stitching new clothes day and night and the shops and business centers would be overflowing with people. Those who cannot afford to do the above things would strive to have money sufficient at least to have a good lunch on that day. The churches also are busy with carol singing and arranging other Christmas programs. 


To the shepherds in the fields who were guarding their sheep in the fields, the angels proclaimed the good news of joy at the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:10). Some people send their greetings wishing ‘Merry Christmas’ which is not right. There is no merry making for Christians. Happiness of Christmas is there, joy of Christmas is there, but there is no room for merry making. The one who is born is the Saviour, who is the Messiah or the anointed one of God, the Lord. The news of Jesus’ birth was first given to the shepherds who were despised and held in low estimation among the Jews of this period. 

The very humble lowly order was taken as a practical illustration as a basis of future Christianity. The Pharisees book of “Oral law” called the Talmud stated that they were not to be allowed in the courts for witnesses. More than that they said no help must be given to the heathen and to the shepherds. Also it is stated that the sheep intended for the daily sacrifices in the temple were fed in the Bethlehem pastures. Thus their occupation was semi sacred one and had its impact on them and fitted them to be recipients of the glad tidings. Though their position was such in the community, they too were aware of the fact that the long awaited Messiah was soon to appear in their own Bethlehem and they got the privilege of witnessing the wonderful event.

But when the angels had left them, the shepherds decided to go and see what the Lord had made known to them. They did not stop there, they went and saw and became the first witnesses to what the Lord had done (Luke 2: 17, 18). The wise men were drifted away from the path the star had led due to their reasoning and earthly standards. But when they returned to the guidance of the star, the star stopped over the place where the child was. “When they saw the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy” (Mat. 2: 10). They worshipped the child Jesus and offered their valuable gifts. The very first Christmas tells of the joy of the different groups of people who saw Jesus and accepted what the Lord had told them. This is the same even today for all who take pain to meet Him and accept His lordship and enjoy the same privilege in their lives. 

Examples abound. Zacchaeus, who was labeled as a sinner and ostracized by the so called religious community, when he wanted to see Jesus and met Him, got the privilege to be one of Abraham’s sons (Luke 19: 9). The same Jesus does to all who wish to meet Him! The contrast of joy is fear and when Herod heard of Jesus’ birth, he and all Jerusalem with him were frightened. When the wise men warned of God did not return to him, he was furious and massacred infants below two years of old. This is an example of a selfish man always doubting others and striving to keep his position and power at the risk of others and is a very dangerous character. Herod was such and did not fear God or respect His plans. The word of God says, ‘…the desire of the treacherous is violence’ (wrong doing) (Prov. 13: 2) and Herod is no exemption. What is your condition? Now is the time to consider your ways in the presence of God. Accept Jesus’ Lordship without doubting anything. Have you ever been with Jesus? If not you may do it right now and acquire the privilege of becoming Jesus’ son/daughter. 


In the Christmas season wherever we go we find the Christian homes and churches are decorated with stars and lights. When Jesus was presented in the temple on the day of their purification, Simeon, ‘a righteous and devout, looking forward to the consolation of Israel” a person with full of Holy Spirit, took Jesus in his arms and declared Jesus as ‘a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel’ (Luke 2: 32). John 1: 4 tells, “In him was life, and the life was light of all people”. Moreover, He is ‘the true light, which enlightens everyone…’ Isaiah 9: 2 reads, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on them light has shined.” Isaiah 9:1 reads, “But there will be no gloom for those who were in anguish.” Zebulun and the land of Naphtali were two tribes belonging to Israel and they were the ones who went to captivity first and thus they were brought unto contempt. But it tells of the latter time, that is the time of Jesus, it was in the area of Galilee where the gospel was preached by Jesus first (Luke 4: 14-21). 

The contrast to light is darkness. John 3:19 tells, ‘And this is the judgment that the light has come into the world and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.’ As per John 3:18, the condemnation is because of the rejection of the Son of God who is the light of the world. On the great day of the Feast of the Tabernacles, Jesus said to the people that He is the light of the world in the context of the sudden ablaze in the temple court (kindling of the golden candelabra brilliant illumination) which was seen over the city and surrounding hills (John 8: 12; 9:5; 11: 9). It was done as a reminder of the fiery pillar in the wilderness on the Israelites journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. What we find here is there is the possibility of rejection of Jesus, the light of the world. Part of the celebrations of Christmas is illumination which shows Christ as the light of the world. 


The angel of the Lord when appeared to Joseph told him, ‘She (Mary) will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins’ (Mat. 1: 21). When the angel appeared to Mary, he told her, ‘And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus’ (Luke 1: 31). The name Jesus has its origin in the Old Testament and is known as ‘Yeshua’ or ‘Joshua’ which means salvation. When the child Jesus was brought to the temple, Simeon took Jesus in his arms and blessed them and to Mary he said, ‘a sword will pierce your own soul too’ signifying the death of Jesus.

There is no forgiveness apart from the finished work of salvation by Jesus on the cross of Calvary. The cause of our joy is not of the external things such as wearing of new clothes, having delicious dishes and drinks or fun and crackers, it is the joy of salvation Jesus the child has wrought in the life of the perishing sinner. The Bible says the righteousness of man is like filthy rags (Isaiah 64: 6). ‘No human being will be justified in God’s sight by one’s deeds (Romans 3: 20) and are accountable to God. 

The lost state of man apart from Christ is clearly shown in the Bible.  The universality of sin and its consequences are clearly stated in the Scripture (Romans 3: 23). Apart from God’s grace, no one could be justified before God and are under condemnation. But regarding those who have been saved, the scripture says ‘There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Let this Christmas celebrations be an occasion of realizing this joy, the light and recognizing the saving act of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On the night He was born, there was no room in the inn for Him and had only a manger to lay. But on this Christmas let Him find room in our hearts and that we may have real fellowship with Him. May God grant this grace to all who read this message!

Wish you all a joyous Christmas of light and a Bright and Prosperous New Year!

(The Sermon Was Originally Written By: Dr. Dharmaraj Nathaneal, Pastor/Teacher of God’s Word at L. M. Congregational Church, Marthandam)


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