THEME  :   God’s will and purposes in my life will come to pass.  We can never achieve something that God never intruded for us – God’s plan in my life will be established.

KEY PASSAGES:  Jeremiah 29:11; I Thessalonians 5:16-18


1.  God’s Will - To Be Joyful Always (Neh. 8:10 cf. Phil 4:4) 

Joy (Rejoice) doesn’t come from what we possess - it is an outcome of inner satisfaction.  Joy is constant/ which can never be changed by circumstances.  Paul was rejoicing in his imprisonment and bondage (in the Lord). God’s will is that the believers must enjoy the joy that He promised (I Thes. 5:16).  True joy comes out of God’s presence in us.

2.  God’s Will - To Be Content in Everything (Prov. 3:5-6 cf. Phil. 4:11-13)

God’s will on us is to be content in what we have – not to covet what we don’t have.  Give thanks to the Lord for everything you have (1 Thes. 5:18), which is the outcome of being satisfied in what God has given to you.  True satisfaction comes when you are being thankful to God for what you have.

3.  God’s Will - To Be In Fellowship with Him (Luke 11:1-13; 1 Thes. 5:17) 

Having fellowship with God is an intentional effort.  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).  One of the ways of having constant fellowship with God is through prayer (I Thes. 5:17); Prayer changes us, challenges us and makes us dependent on God for anything.  Prayer includes fellowship and relationship with God.  God wants his people to be in constant fellowship with Him.  True fellowship with God comes only when we realize our weakness and in need of God’s strength.


God’s will is that you must be Joyful, content and have constant fellowship with Him.  When you understand His will and purpose in your life, you will be able to experience complete Joy, satisfaction and fellowship with Him.  May God enable you to pursue His will in your life in this New Year 2017.


THEME  :   Faithfulness is not only God’s nature but His attribute (Nature is a temporary behavior but attribute is permanent).  God never changes in His attribute - His covenant of love with the people never changes.  He will keep His covenant with you as His people - The chosen generation.

KEY PASSAGES:   Jeremiah 31:31-34; I Corinthians 1:9


1.  His Covenant with Old Testament Saints 

God made covenant with the Old Testament saints. All those covenants are conditional “When you obey and do – I will do it” type of covenants.  God fulfilled the covenants He made with the people. He never failed even though people went astray (Ex. 32:12-14)
a)      Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3)  Promise of a heir (Gal 3:29)
b)      Covenant with Moses and Israelite (Ex. 20) – Ceremonial law/sacrifices.
c)      Covenant with David (2 Sam 7:14) promise of an eternal ruler.

2.  His Covenant in Christ (Jer. 31:31-34 cf. 1 Cor. 1:9)

All the Old Testament covenants were fulfilled in Christ Jesus.  God made a new covenant through Christ as He died, resurrected and ascended to heaven (Heb.8:1-13).  This covenant is unconditional and based on Grace.  God chose to make this covenant through the atonement / sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

3.  His Covenant with Us (2 Thes. 3:3-5; 2 Tim 1:12) 

God’s covenant with us is through Christ Jesus.  He is faithful in keeping His covenants with us.  His love endures forever (Ps 136).  So also His covenant of love never changes.  God did not choose to make this covenant of who you are but who He is (John 15:16).


God makes covenant with His people.  He never changes in His nature; therefore He will do what He had promised in your life even in the following year.  Even though you forgot His promises, He is faithful to fulfill them in your life.


THEME    :   The Birth of Christ is the highest miracle God performed among the humanity.  Our God is God of miracles He can turn the impossible into possible.  He can do miracle for us even today.

KEY PASSAGES:   Isaiah 7:10-14; Luke 2:8-20


1.  The Miracle at His Birth (Luke 1:26-35)

The birth of Christ is a miracle which includes several other wonders which no one on earth ever had taken in possession of. The following are few of them,
a)      Jesus birth was foretold by the angel (Luke 1:26)
b)      Jesus virgin birth which none can claim before (or) after Christ (Luke 1:34)
c)      Jesus – God in human being (John 1:1-14) 
The above miracles were only possible to Jesus “Can anyone born of virgin?”  “Can God become man?  Yes! in the case of Jesus because His birth is a miracle. 

2.  The Miracle at His Ministry (Mark 1:34; Lk. 10:38)

The 33½ years of ministry fully show case the supernatural works of Christ in displaying His authority over a) Demons (Mt. 8:31-32)  b.  Sickness (Lk. 4:38-39) c.  Nature (Mk. 4:36-41) His preaching and teaching were so simple that people of any age/country/ status understand it even today.  His death on the cross foretold in the scripture (Ps.22) and it became an ultimate redemption to the entire human race.

3.  Is Miracle Possible Today? 

God performs miracle even today for those who believe. (John 14:12-14).  Miracles of Jesus’ ministry are not that happened only in the history but possible even today.  God does the miracle of changing the hearts of people, healing of diseases and authority over demonic bondages.  The miracles are possible only for those who believe in Him.


The Birth of Jesus is a miracle.  Our God does miracles even today when you trust in Him.  Are you enjoying in the greatest miracle of ‘Jesus’ in human History?  Happy Christmas!


THEME   :    Immanuel - There is an assurance of God’s presence for His people.  No matter whether we are with God or not He is with us all the time to encourage, empower, guard and guide us in our life journey.

KEY PASSAGES: Isaiah 9:1-7; Matt 1:21-23


1.  God’s Presence Guides Us (Ex. 33:14 Cf. Isa. 45:2)

The presence of God guides us to choose the right and wrong in our daily life.  He prepares the way for us as we move according to His plans - His guidance includes shaping rough to smooth; crooked to straight.  (Luke 3:4-6)

2.  God’s Presence Guards Us (Dan 3:16-26 Cf. 2 Tim 1:12)

The presence of God protects us from all harmful things which come in our way.  Often hindrances in our Christian life distract our faith.  The name of the Lord is the strong tower where righteous find safety in Him (Prov. 18:10).  His presence is the stronghold against the evil one (Eph.6)

3.  God’s Presence Encourages Us (Ps. 16:8-11 cf. Matt. 28-19-20)

The presence of God encourages the feeble hearted.  The disciples in dismay were given assurance of His presence in John 14:16.  The work of the Holy Spirit as “comforter” in John 14:26-27 is to encourage them and to be with them always.  The Greek word Paraclytos (comforter) referred for Holy Spirit which means to exhort / comfort / encourage them.

4.  God’s Presence Empowers Us (Ps 46:211 cf. Acts 1:7-8)

The ever dwelling presence of God empowers us to do good to others.  We in ourselves can do nothing good without the power of God.  God’s presence keeps us away from evil ones (Matt 6:13) when we ask God for His help.  The presence of God empowers us to further His Kingdom in all corners (Act. 1:8)


The presence of God is the evidence for believers which guides, guards, encourages and empowers them.  His presence is constant and permanent that you don’t need to live on your strength anymore! Immanuel – God with us!